Page 312 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 312
voyages from Bombay and the Arab steamers For Shagra, Ozdair, and Mamcl £ 1-2-9 tt>
occasionally as inducement offered. T. 1-13-1 per mauud of 27 Weghiae = 121 lbs.
The rate of freight was about £4-10 to
Bombay and Karachi by the British India
steamers. EXCHANGE.
91m number of steamers and sailing vessels
which entered and cleared this port in the year The average rates of exchango for the 12
aro given in the attached returns. months were as follows :—
Ter $ 100. Per £ r« T. £
April 12 C S 12 5 113
2 targe, 1 medium and 2 small booms and 1 Mij . 12 13 4 1 1 8 10 9
large ami 10 small bellams of an aggregato value Jone . 12 18 8 1 1 4 1 0 4
of £ 7,933, were built during the year. This Jolj • 13 G 8 1 1 0 10 0
figure in not included in the trade tables. Angoit 13 11 4 1 1 4 1 0 2
September 13 G 8 118 112
TRANSPORT. October 14 8 0 118 110
November 14 13 4 118 114
The following were the rales of transport to December 15 10 8 119 117
the iuterior in 1917-lb Jiaosry 1G 6 8 12 3 115
For Zilfi, Boraidah, Anaizah and Qasim £ 1- Fcbrr.r.ry 17 0 0 13 1 lit
6-P to £ 2 per maund of 27 "Weghias = 121 lbs. March 18 0 0 1 2 10 115