Page 370 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 370


                  The British India Steam Navigation Company       Labour,
                maintain a nominal weekly service from India,
                and a fortnightly to India, but during the rear   The price of labour was still high as compared
                in question this had to be somewhat curtailed  with the rates in vogue before the Great War;
                owing to the demands made on the company for  an unskilled manual labourer earning from li.
                trooping by 1 Iraq. Steamer* of the Persian  to os. 4*/.; carpenter from 9j. tol2«. a day;  mar*
                Gulf Steam Navigation and Eastern Steam   ons and boat buildcra from 13*. hi. to 1C«.
                Xavigat on Companies also called occasionally
                mb inducement offered, also two Japanese steamers   Domestic animals.
                and one Amorican.
                  Tlic rate of freight was about £3 a ton bv   The most valuable domestic animals arc camels,
                the British India Steam Navigation and 12-10  of which there are largo numbers, sheep, goats
                by the Persian Gulf Steam Navigation and Eas­  and donkeys ; of the latter many of a large
                tern Steam Navigation Comjonies' st came is.  white breed, originally from Ilasa, arc found in
                  The number of steamer* and wiling vessels  the town; these arc sometimes over thirteen
                which entered and cleared the put during the  hands in height, and a good one will sometimes
                year is given in the Return of shipping of all  fetch over £45. There are also some horned
                nationalities.                      cattle and horses.
                  At the commencement of the year the rates
                of transport were about £1 per 12'.’ lbs. to Ziln,   Neither Kuwait nor its environs can boast of
                Buraidah and * Anaizali, and the same to Shaqrah,   any agricultural resources. There are no date
                Sudair and Mahmal. During the greater part   plantations, no fields and not many kitchen gar­
                of the year, however, all trade with Central   dens. A few small villages to the couth-east of
                Arabia was suspended.               Kuwait supply a limited quantify of vegetables
                                                    and melons. The chief agricultural centre in the
                                                    principality is Jahrah. Tho staple crops are
                           Pearl Fisheries.
                                                    wheat, barley and lucern, but musk melons, water
                  Kuwait possesses over 7C0 pearl boats; of   melons, pumpkins, beans and some other vege­
                these, however, many have not been at sea for   tables are also grown, and there are some 2,500
                several years, as owing to the increased demand   date trees. The above crops are mostly irrigated,
                for Labour in ‘ is now impossible to find   but a small amount of wheat and barley is grown
                crow's for them. The average number of boats   by rainfall alouc. The agriculture of Jahrah might
                which visit the banks is now not more than about   be considerably increased if more money were sunk
                320, and was smaller than usual during the year   in it. The next most important agricultural cen­
                under review. As stated above the season was   tre is the island of Failakah where wheat and
                a bad one.                          barley are grown with some success on the clayey
                                                    patches, also melons, lucern and some vegetables.
                            Sea Fisheries.          There are some date trees towards the south of
                                                    the island, but they are not in a flourishing con­
                 The only truly local produce of Kuwait is tbr.t   dition, and the agriculture of the island generally
                yielded by the harbour fisheries, which are a valu­  is inferior to that of Jahrah. Except in the is­
                able asset. Besides float-and-weigbt nets and   land of Failakah, less cultivation was done than
                lines, traps or tidal weirs, constructed of reed   usual, owing to the unsettled state of the country,
                hurdles, are also employed; the fish enter them   and the village of Jahrah was entirely evacuated
                with the flowing-tide and are left behind at the   for several weeks in the autumn.
                ebb. The majority of the fish caught is consumed
                locally, but a small proportion is dried and export­
               ed to Basrah and elsewhere.                        Minerals.
                            Boat building.            The only mineral product worked is gypsum
                                                    mortar, which is manufactured by the simple
                 Only one large and eleven medium sized and   process of firing rubbish in broad shallow excava­
               ■mall boats were built during the rear, of an  tions. There is a large gypsiferous tnut on the
               aggregate value of £12,667- This figure isnot  outskirts of Kuwait town, and it is found in
               included in the trade tables.        several other j arts of the principality.

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