Page 407 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 407


                  Import of rrincijal Articles by Steamers dnring the years 1910-20 to 1921-22.
                                          Quovtitiks.           Taunt.
                                     1919-20.  1920 21.  1921-22.  1919-20.  I920-3L   1321-21.

                                                            t      t
             Anchors .         No.     112                  112
             Bamboos   .   .   Bundles               490
             Bars, Iron .                                   4cs     17
             Barloy   .   .            1C9   7,504  23,975   90    Mo9
             Building Materials                             G33     G7
             Carpets .                                      853
             Cereals                           10G   008            £0
             Charcoal   .   .                         63
             Clarified Butter  .               192    321           950
             Coal and Coal Tar                8,058                 806
             Commits .                              15,000
             Coffee                   '£358  12,102  8,110  20,006  •11,933
             Coir and Coir Eopo                              458
             Cotton   .                 3«0    217    Sol    853    •170
             Dhail                      42    3,53d  3,282   33    2,357
             Drugs   .   .                                   7/3
             Fruits   .  .                                   09     917
             Furniture .                                            13
             Glass and Glassware                             12
             Goato Hair .                              4
             Groundnuts                  6     122    931    107    137
             Grocery   .  .           ■d                           1,0 S3
             Gunny Bags                                      81
             Haberdashery                                  10,517  9,017
             Henna   .                                80
             Hardware   .  .                                 207    47
             I ronware                                       087
             Korosine Oil                    30.861                4,591
             Lamp and Lampware                               27     ■10
             Looting Glassware
             Limes, Dried                             93
             Matches                                                250
             Metals                                         2,090   133
            Kail*, Iron  .   ,                               020
            Oil, Cocoanus and Sorts     416                  13J
            Onio ns                    1,200         5.790   480
            Pepper                             82     390           141
            Piece-goods   .                               309,050  84,037  32,970
            Potatoes   .   ,            92                   41
            Provisions   .  *                                57            209
             Bice .   .  .           105.170  202,013  390,858  116,855  134^09  314,909
            Bose Buds  .  .                                  23
            Soil Cloth   .  •                                429            20
            Specie   •                                       450  23.033  33,552
            Spices   •  .                                   L510    3-31  1,478
            Sugar, Loaf   ,                    593  *£452    109   1,395
            Sugar, Soft                      24,870  87,341  32,350  41,150  266,154
            Tsfiow                            1,254   610          2,503  1,292
            Tamarind   .  ,                   2,583                1.722  3,894
            Tea .   .   .                    13,930               20,047
            Tobacco                            420                  839  24,024
            Twists and Tams                                                490
            "Wheat   .   .                   22,023  41,302       18,098
            Wheat Flour   .                   6,6S9  10,749              33,042
            Wood Agar   •                                          6,316  12J61
            Wood Elbows
             Articles not specified                                        106
                                                          530^70  402.0S3  832,576
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