Page 433 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 433
. M«p.......................................................
2. The Principality of Kuwait and ila inhabitant* I
3. Currency ...... I
4. Wright* and Mcasurr* . . . .' I
A. Introduction ..... S
C. Import* ...... 2
7. Exjxirt ...... 2
8. Customs Administration and Lighterage . 2
9. Freight, Shipping and Navigation . 2
10. Sea Fishcric* ..... 3
11. Jloat Ruilding........................................... 3
12. !-ihour...................................................... 3
13. Mineral* ...... 3
14. Domestic Animals ..... 3
13. Agriculture ...... 3
Id. Rainfall ...... 3
17. Public Health........................................... 3
18. Exchange...................................................... 3
19. Table showing Total Imports . .' 4
20. Table showing Total Exports ... 4
21. Import of Principal Articles by Steamers .
22. InijH.rt of Principal Articles l»v Sailing Craft 7—15
23. Export of Principal Articles by Steamers . 13 id
24. Ex|«irt of Principal Artieles by Sailing Craft 17—23
23. Return of Shipping of all Nationalities 24
2G. Ret uni of British Shipping ... 24