Page 527 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 527

             " C.”—Export of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1922-23,-
                                  1923-24 and 1924-25—contd.

                                           Quantities.            Valua
               Articles And countries to which
                                     1922-23.  1923-2*.  1921-25.  1922-23.  1923-24.  1921-25.

             Hides and skins   Value                          62     95    152
             Iron and Ironware   •»                          433    2C6    122
             Kcrosine OH   .   Galls.  8,769  9,308  10,176  411    616    832
             Lamp and Lampware   Value                               9
             Limes (Dried)      Cwt.    153     93    128    359    ICO    415
             Machinery   «     Value                                176
             Mats .                                          217    216    665
             Matches .                                      2.076  2,086   433
             Metals .   .        ••                           26    225    343
             Nails              Cwt.     81    188    112     47     63    113
             Oil (Sim Sim)     Galls.  1.112  1,470    48    168    103     15
             Onions             Cwt.    608    467   1,502   135    204    459
             Pepper              H      158    239    68     335    356    160             1
            Piece-goods        Value                       12,149  20,122  15,442
            Provisions           n                           54      16    362
            Rice .             Cwt.   65.050  37,838  51.171 ;   38,222  21,668  35.948
            Sail Goth .        Value                         36     21      29
            Soap .               • f                         62     130    119
            Spices              ft                      1    216    666    369
            Sugar (Loaf)       Cwt.   24,496  16,566       43,811  30,038   2
            Sugar (Soft)              42,709  39.154  25,148  40,167  58,896  35,815
            Tallow              •9       1      3     31      2      4      66
            Tamarind .          •»       1   9,572  16,711  7,883  7,097  19,349
            Tea .               »     10,466  6,175  4.162  67,780  36,070  22,316
            Tobacco                    179    679     37     418    258    134
            Twist and Tarn     Value                                176     71
            Wheat .            Cwt.   6.914   938   15,677  2,987   417   7,533
            Wheat Flour               1,723   174   1,303   L330    99     940
            Wood for Boats     Value                        4.802  3,500  *022
            Wool               Cwt.    438     91    630     617    432   MU
            Articles not specified above  Value              682    533    2o4

                           Total £                        264,891  216,735  190,766

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