Page 121 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 121
Baharnah agitation for reform, 1935 109
to a large extent, on the public opinion of the majority of
thoir subjects, That the majority of His Excellency's subjects
are Buharinah. His Majesty’s Government have learnt from me
v/ith pleasure tho better treatment which those people have had
under the enlighUo.jd rule of His Excellency, and have noted
with satisfaction the wise concessions which His Excellency has
granted the Buharinah in the matter, for instunce, of larger
representation on the Municipal Councils and on the Majlis al
TuJJaroh, and in the preliminary step of sotting up a Committee
to codify the notices which have from time to time been issued
by the Bahrain Government. It may be, howover, that Airther
steps (perhaps of an economic nature) will be necessary to meet
the legitimate aopirations of the Baharinah. His Majesty's
Government ore content to leave the details of these steps to
Ilia Excellency who will doubtless take advantage of my advice*
They wish, howevor, to bring the following general considerations
to the notice of His Excellency. Snould the legitimate
aspirations of the Baharinah not be fulfilled,(an eventuality
whjlch His Majesty's Government naturally do not anticipate), and
should trouble occur, His Excellency can hardly look to His
Majesty's Government, who as Ilia Excellency is awaro are about
to give self-government to India, for sympathy, Should
howover His Excellency moot tho reasonable claims of tho
Bahurinah, (and they have asked mo to report on the matter
from time to timo), and should the Baharinah in spite of this
continue to give trouble then His Excellency may rest assured
that His Majesty's Government will approve of any reasonable
measures which he may find necoaaary in order to uphold his
17, I think a frank homily on the above linos (which I have
drawn up in consultation with Colonel Loch) will have a good
effect. Shaikh Sir Hamad bin 'Isa Al Khalifat! himself is a
kindly /