Page 150 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 150
138 Records of Bahrain
The Reoldenoy,
Buahlre, the 17th November, 1938,
p. 0. No* 597»^S.
hi /sz'C
2£ <f 3*
<\^ cU.oa (oOl^'WwtGAN
Oould you pleaao refer to my telegram No.308 of the
16th November on the aubjeot of Bahrain Agitation,
2. I agree that there are oome argumento in favour 61 f the
notice ouggeated in paragraph 6 of your letter No.c/691-1.b/5,
dated tho 12th November 1938, but from the point of view of
public opinion thia notioo would have undoubtedly been oonotrued
&3 a sign that we were coming out definitely on tho aide of tho
Shaikh and againot tho popular party. If thiu lrapreooion wore
to become prevalent in public opinion then t
(a) any conoeaaion whioh the popular party got now or later
from the Bahrain Government would be rogarded aa a win not only
i over tho Bahrain Government but over uo, and
(b) we should be regarded aa enemies by the popular party
instead of ae friendo to whom thoy could turn for advice, while
it lo from being regarded aa frlendu that wo can beBt keep them
' undor control. Thia ia in fact the satisfactory result, at all
eVents at present, of the policy I have adopted in more or lesB
i similar ciroumatanoes in Kuwait, and whioh I hope will have a
similar result in Bahrain.
' 3.
Bahrain Government representative with Bahrain Petroleum
Company. Thia wao dealt with in paragraph 2 of my telegram
Woted above.
4. /
Esquire, I.C.S •»
Political Agent,