Page 10 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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The Selection now brought out arc taken from the Records • of the
Bombay Government preserved in their Secretariat Record Office running
from the year 1630 to 1801.
• Records from which the Selections have been made.
Records that bear upon the subject. Volumes.
(1) Surat Factory or Secretariat Inward Letter Books from No. 1 (1040__47)
1046 to 1701.
No. 1A (1650—1701).
(2) Surat Factory Outward Letter Books . . . No. 1 (1030).
No. 1A (1063—73).
No. 2 (1075—70).
No. 3 (1677—1700)
(3) Surat Factory Diaries .... . No. 1 (1600—00).
(4) Despatches from the Hon’ble Court of Directors . 1 (1681—85).
2 (1742—1800).
3 (1742-51).
(5) Bombay Public or General Department Diaries from 1720
to 1765 . . 28 volumes.
(5a) Bombay Secret and Political Department Diaries, 1755—
1800 .... . • 109 volumes.
(6) Secret Department Letters • . . 1 (1744—1802).
(7) Gombroon Factory Diaries . . No. (1741—45).
h ttt (1746—48),
a TTT (1748—50).
tU (1750—51).
» Tfv (1751—53).
a ttt (1753—60).
,, -riff (1755—57).
8 Gombroon F.ctory Inward Letters (1743—44) . . No. 14—40.
(10 «!T °Ut™'d betters (1744-45) . No. 150.
. No. 103.
11 B™ '" peS‘den0J' InW'‘rd Book (1792—9S)
) Busbire Residency Outward Book (17(19-96) . . No. 157.
. . 37 volumes.
(18) SeTu'n"Ward LeKer BookB (1740-83) .
—1780) 50 volumes.
(H) olSd1'^0'0'^ (1677
Hevenne Mil;. or 0rder Books—Public,
meets (|769—i8ig)Udl0la1, Commeroial» Depart-
. 181 volumes.
<15) ^olifclDS’part"'1 fLitter8 °f °‘der B°°kp' Seoret “”d
. 57 volumes.
(191 B i, Uepart“eDt (1778-1814)
Comm~H,°nble C°Urt’a I“"”d ^eral '
. No. 84.
p “ "“‘1 department (1791-1826)
»0) S I 10 Departnlent (1786—1819) . . . No. 82.
5 : : . No. 6.
. No. 7.
; , 1 volume.
. 11 volumes.
B‘"or* Beeidency Diary 71798—1837.; ' ' , 2 volumes.
, 2 volumes.
fret treed in ae J** vo^mes I have found the
^:iri,8ionD~ • •Press List of the ancient documents
putting By finggj. on 40—1700 prepared by the Bombay record office, useful in
coords, Bombay, 103Q Persia. The Catalogue of the Secretariat
®i°g exhaustive, and omit to 80me U6e ln Putl,nS one in the way ; but it is far from
ewed with an Index or Ljat ^a^C8 v°iuraes» raost which are not