Page 2 - Journl (Royal Geographical Society)_Neat
P. 2
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1.—Congelation of the Neva at St. Petersburgh, and Tempera
ture of its Waters when covered with Ice i
II. --Remarks on the Heavy Swell along some of the West India
Islands, commonly called “ Ground” or " North Sea;"
and on the Set and Velocity of the Tides, and the Effects
produced by their transporting power, among the Virgin
Islands ......... 2:?
III. —Extracts from private Memoranda kept by Lord Prudhoe on a
Journey from Cairo to Sennar, in 1829 ; describing the
Peninsula of Sennar............................................................ 38
IV. —Notes on Upper California.................................................. 59
V. — On the General Outline and. Physical Configuration of the Bo
livian Andes; with Observations on the Line of Perpetual
Snow upon the Andes, between 15° and 20° South Latitude 70
VI. —On the Southern Affluents of the River Amazons.
1. Translations from a MS. (1799) on the Advantages to be de
rived from the Navigation of the Rivers which flow from
the Cordilleras of Peru into the Maranon or Amazon.
2. An Official Report (1827) on the River Beni and the Coun
Acairenttff ffaimiiingteiiais
tries through which it flows . .. . 98
Txbcv. VII. —Remarks on the Voyages to the Northern Hemisphere,
ascribed to the Zeni of Venice . 101
VIII.—Memoir on the Island of Socotra . 129
IX.—An Account of the Ovahs, a race of people residing in the
Interior of Madagascar: with a Sketch of their Country.
Appearance, Dress, Language, &c. .... 230
X.—Communications on the Island of Ascension 243
XI. —Notes made on a Survey along the Eastern Shores of the
Persian Gulf in 1828 ....... 2G3
XII.—Notes on Bruce’s Chart of the Coasts of the Red Sea 28G
X III.—Notes on a Collection of Plants from Tehama 29G