Page 30 - Records of Bahrain (4) (i)_Neat
P. 30

20                        Records of Bahrain

                                  HO       Of 1983*
                      Hr It iuh Rooldonoy conoul uta-tt onoral ,
                              Uusblro, lGtb Jijeio 1933.

                     Hlo Highness shoikh Sir Abdul Azli bon Abdor Rahman
                           A1 Faisal As Gaud, 0,0.I.B,,
                               Sultan of Hoju and Dopondonoiee*


                 Your Highness,
                              I have tho ploasure to Inform you that, at tho

                 moment of writing, I an looking forward to the visit of Your
                 Hlghnooa' Secretary, saiyoil Unshorn, who is oxpooted at the
                 Roolvlonoy in about half an hour*
                               I hayo myaolf only returned to BUmhiro two days
                  ago, aa I found myself obllgod to proceed to Kuwait and thsnO«
                  to Mohammorah and Ahwuz*
                               All this travelling has undo it impossible up to
                  tho prosont to acquaint Your Highnooo with bvonte that have

                  ooourrod at Bahrain olnoo ny letter to Your Highness of the
                  18th May. How that I am at coaparatlvo l llsure I hasten to
                  inform Your Hirjhness of these matters which X feel sure must
                  be of groat interest to you* I am the more inclined to do
                  this, as I havo tho advantage of the prosenoo of Your Hlghnestf
                  Confidential Goorotary who will, not doubt, transfer my lettor
                  to Your Highness by sure and spoody noons*
                                For eotno time past, affairs in Bahrain had been
                  unsatlofaotcry* Hhellth Isa's increasing age had made it
                  impossible for him to exerolse that vigilant supervision over

                  affairs, which is so necessary in an Arab 8tato, and, owing
                  to this weakness, may (irresponsible) petty tyrants had been
                  growing up in Bahrain, chiefly irresponsible members of the
                  al Khalifa fatally and the B***rinah wore grievously pppressed
                  by thorn* uoro than this, tho lnoroasod Intelligence of the
                  lover olasses, who are now oonotaut readers of newspapers and
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