Page 125 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 125

HUS III OR.                    23

              Statement of Principal Imports into the Tort of Bashirc from
                 nil Sources during the Years 1003, 1906-07, 1907-08, Classified
                 according to Custom-IIouse Tariff—continued.

                  Articles.    1905. , 1906-07. 1007-08.] 1905.  1900-07.  1907-08.

                                 £      £       £    Cwls.   CwU*.  Cwts.
             A11 other colours, &c.   2,022 | 001   4S2  122   110    187
             Class ornaments,        I
               glassware    ...   3,134   I  2,714   2,956  653  58 9  644
              Window glass   ...   1,103   |  1,206   703  975  930   582
             S]>ccic       ...   63,930   8,659  69,095

             Statement of Principal Exports from the Port of Bushirc during
                 the Years 1905,1906-07,1907-08, Classified according to Custom-
                 House Tariff.

                                                 i                '
                  Articles.  1905.  1906-07. 1907-08.1  1905.  1906-07.' 1907-08.
                                                 i                i
                              £       £      <* 1  Cwts.    Cwts. | Cwta.
             Horses and foals  2,634  4,120   2,332   274*     362*   232*
             Wheat...............  1,441  1,159   4,438  6,563  4.S80   15,607
             Bates ...        342    1,703   2,318   1,412   7,373   8,291
             Almond* and
               pistachios   43,728  53.24G   29,618  13,716  16.990  10,590
             Raisins...      1,137   2,169 •  2,C6S  1,514   3,499  3,801
             Rosewater   )           4,857   4,001   9,123   7,635  6,167
             Assafu-tida    13,632  .  f  890 .  32259  1,266  102    895
             Other drugs          l   4,174  6,C95   5.S45   5,707   14,817
             Spices ...       205    4,823   1.S15           5,740  2,092
             Gum    traga-         f 102,064   76,577 .1  f 17,471   14,733
             Cum insoluble }  70,949  \   G5.967 ,  5,415 jj  39,947  1 1*2,415  S,993
             Cotton, raw ...  11,741  13,872 '  7,936  6,566  8,509  4,679
             Wool, raw and                i
               waste         2,817   S.159   3,732   1,179   3,619  2,249
             Carpetf—                     !
               Colton             f 13,720 '  49 -1       { 3.031      17
               Woollen      68,839  \ 49,694   36,777  j j 1U33     2,044
             Opium ...     124,150  157,777 238,405   2,241  2,783   4,251
             Skin*, raw, drc.   19,088  22,557 •  9,742  9,739  12,770  4,928
             Tobacco,  un­                i
               man uf act axed  20,451  29,474   24,691  5,168  21,494  24,787
             Vegetable sub­
               stances       1,631   1,133    690   4,836    2,614   651
             Specie...............  00.572  42,542 ’ 24,042

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