Page 177 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
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for December and January marking about 12s. Od., for January and
February, 13s. Gd. Early in March Persian opium containing 10 per
cent, morphia was quoted at 14s., and at the end of the year under
review the London stock was GOO chests of Persian stuff, besides
second-hand atuffe.
Almonds.—The last two years have witnessed a great decline in
the total almond export:—
1906-07 16,990
1907 03 10,590
1908-09 8,204
The production Is as heavy, both in the Isfahan and Shiraz districts,
but the higher prices which the Persians are too eager to put on. and the
rates of transport have been against a profitable export to Europe.
There was a considerable demand for almonds in India, however, and
7,103 cwts. were sent there as against 7,179 cwts. in 1907-08. Profits
of 2 to 5 per cent, were made locally.
Present prices in Isfahan are reported as about 20 krans (7s. 3d.)
per man of 13 lbs. and in Shiraz 12 krans (4s. Id.) to 1-1 krans (5s. Id.)
per man of 7} lbs.
Gum insoluble.—The export rose from S,993 to 14,901 cwts. in
1903-09 owing to the higher prices in Bombay, which still continue
favourable to the export. Present purchase price for the usual quality
of Shiraz gum are given as 17s. in London as against 13s. in 1907-08.
As according to the estimate of the Shiraz Consulate only -1,018 cwts.
were sent down to Bushire, the remainder probably comes from
Kazerun, Behbehan and the Dashtistan district, where the quality
is not so good, fetching perhaps 4s. less, according to London prices.
Local purchase prices for the same rose in sympathy from 2-5 to
28 krans (9s. Id. to 10s. 2d.) to 30 and 31 krans (11s. lOd. to 12s. 2d.)
per mdn of 7-J lbs.
Gum traqaeanth.—The export, nearly all, originates from Fare
district, and has declined considerably, greatly owing to the methods
adopted and prices demanded by producers :—
1906- 07 17,471
1907- 08 14,733
1908- 09 12,422
Purchases are not made locally.
Wool.—A larger quantity than usual was put on the Bus hi re
market, a certain amount coming from the Koweit side of the Gulf,
and also owing to the rise in price for Persian wool to 5d. to 6d. per lb.:—
1906- 07 3,619
1907- 08 2,249
1908- 09 7,647
There is room for considerable improvement in the cleaning of
fleeces and the better assortment of Arabi from the Turki breeds.
European buyers would no doubt welcome the introduction of a
system for marking the district of origin of bales.