Page 405 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 405


                                            1911-12.  1912-13.  1911-12.  1912 13.
                                              X         X        Tuna.     Ton*.
            of flax and hemp--
           In'.ia .                            196        536        7        U
          I'-ahrnin .                           11
                                 Totals        207        5SG        7        H
        CoM and silver thread—
          India                                1,581      737        0         3
          Germany                               ui        no
           Ru*»ia .                             50

                                 Totals        1,778      817        6         3
        Law and embroidery—
           India •   •                          031       850
          Torkoj                                175       101
           Germany                              206

                                 Totals        1,015      031
        All .:hor tiisefs—
           Cr.itcd Kirgdoin                               •106
           India                               1,0U       409
          Turkey .                              207       202
           Germany                              302        09
           Other ccoztrics                      •17        22

                                 Totals        1,020     1,378
            cordage, twine—
           India                                724       233        39         0
           Other co'irtrios                      7         11                   1

                                 Totals         731       264        39        10
        Mercery and haberdashery—
          India                                6,632     6,773
           Coitod Kingdom                       524      1,407
          Germany   .                           213       209
           Turkey   .                           341       166
           Russia .   ,                         45         35
           France                               87         S3               9*9
          Other countriea                       48         30

                                 Totals        7,810     8,703
        I’erFxmery —
          United Kingdom                        16        66
          India .   •                           28        50      • H
          Rn^ia                                  6        30
          0.h-»r countries                       7         3

                                Totals          67        149
   400   401   402   403   404   405   406   407   408   409   410