Page 308 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 6 -10
P. 308

                                      rOWNS AND VILLAGES                                    331

            Khaloifat (850), fluivulah (1,000), and negroes (3,000), of whom
            two-thirds are slaves. Wakrah has about 75 shops, and is a market
            for Bedouins ; the tradesmen belong to the Huwalah and Baha-
            rinah classes. Pearl-boats number about 150 ; there are 20 sea­
            going boats and 30 fishing-boats. Live stock includes about 40
            horses and 150 camels. Water is fetched from 'Ain Wakrah, about
            1  mile W. of the town, where are about 15 shallow stone-lined wells
            round a walled date-grove, with some lucerne, belonging to the
              Two deserted towns may be mentioned : Huweilah, on the E.
            coast, was originally the chief town, and was once known to the
            English as ‘ Owhale ’ ; there are numerous wells about 2 miles
            inland, yielding water of indifferent quality. Zubdrah lies almost
            in the same latitude on the W. coast ; it was formerly a stronghold
            of the ruling family of Bahrein, and its site is still visited by Na'im
            of Bahrein and El-Qatar. It was a walled town, surrounded by
       •    10 or 12 forts within a radius of 7 miles, only one of which, Thaghab,
            is not ruinous and abandoned.
      I        The following are the principal villages :—
               1.  Dha'd’in, some 20 miles N. of Dohah ; about 150 houses,
            occupied mostly by Al Bu Kuwarah, who own about 70 pearl-boats,
            10 trading vessels, and 10 fishing-boats, with 60 camels and 10 horses.
            Drinking water is brought from 'Aweinat Bin Husein, 6 miles inland.
               2.  Dhakhirah, on an inlet about 10 miles N. of the above, and
            consisting of about 100 houses of the Mahandah tribe, all pearl
            divers and fishermen, owning 15 pearl-boats, 2 sea-going boats, and
            5 fishing-boats, with 10 camels. Drinking-water is from Lubiceirdah,
            2  miles to the NW., a masonry well with fairly good water at 6 ft.
               3.  Abu Dhaliif, on the NW. coast near the top of the peninsula,
            with about 70 families of the Manana‘ah tribe, owning 20 pearl-boats,
            5 other sea-going boats, and 10 fishing-boats, with 30 camels. Drink­
            ing-water is from the well of Umm Dhd'an, about II miles inland.
            A broad reef fronts the village, nearly dry at low water, and making
            approach from the sea difficult.
               4.  F-uweirat, on the E. coast about 10 miles from the N. extremity,
            immediately to S. of a hill or cliff called Jebel el-Fuweirat. The
            village consists of about 100 houses of the A1 Bu Kuwarah. and
            •50 of the Kibisah tribe, each occupying separate quarters ; it is not
            continuously walled, but is surrounded by towers ; all tire houses
            are well built of stone and mud. The people are chiefly pearl-divers,
            owning 44 sea-going and 12 fishing-boats, but they possess some
            100 camels, 60 donkeys, 20 horses, and 80 head of cattle. Water is
            nought from the Zarqu well, l mile to W., but a better supply is
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