Page 205 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 205
1’uharrak, Rafaa and at whatever place II. E. Shaikh Homed
happens to be residing in, a guard is also provided for the
Political Agency, The jail duties are now carried out by
loccl police instead of, as previously, by the Indian branch.
These various duties, together with the bazaar patrols ab
sorb most of the force but leave sufficient number of moi
available as a reserve in the fort.
I consider that the present force is quite sufficient
for the ordinary local needs. Originally the old Levy Corps
was intended to provide a force against possible attacks on
Barra in from outside. It was at one time considered quite
likely that the Java sir might make an armed attack on Bahrein*
I am personally of the opinion that there is no likelihood
whatever of this ocfirring, The present force is quite suf-
ficient for the internal needs of the State and as it has
always been assumed that if Bahrein was made the object of
an attack by e foreign state the British Government would
com«/to its assistance. I consider it unnecessary far the
State to incur heavy expenditure on a more powerful and
effective military force than is available at present*