Page 106 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
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                                                TABLE L
                Export of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft daring the years 192&-2S, 192S-27 and 1927-28.

                                                       QcAjrrmr                Value
                                                 1925-26  1926-27  1927-28  1925-26  1920-27  1927#**-

                                                                          £       £       £
              Coin                         No*.      8       9      31      22     17      29
              Donkey*                                42     70      21     103     164     39
              Horse* .                      tt       5       4              17     63
             Sheep and Goat*                        243     205    195     101     95      CO
            Arab Cloak*                   Val U€                                  1,0! K)   2,453
            Bamboo* .                      Nob.   21,580  683,300  6,SCO   240     450     72
            Bamboo* (Split)                 ft            31,400  7,2 SO    12     54      56
            Barley                         Cat.    1,154    405   1,831    518     103     343
            Building Material             Value                           1,301   1,004  14,986
            Bomb*                         Case*                      2                     13
            Candle* .                     Value                                    300
            Carpet*                                                        530     953     992
            Cereal* .   .                  Cwt*                     74                     53
            Charcoal .                      99      103     389    446      30     149     153
            Clarified Butter                        1S9    327     339     S60     828    1.798
            Coal and Coal-tar             Value                             3      24      15
            Coconut* .                     Nos.           1,200             1       5
            Coffee                         Cwt.    1,404  1,038   1,135   7,755   4,225  5.925
            Coir and Coir rope            Value                            567     903   1,057
            Cotton                         Cwt.      2      20      10      4      28      29
            Date*                           99    25,634  25,543  43,752  8,SOS   6,342  7,600
            Date Syrup                               5       1      15      3       1      19
            Drug*                         Value                            614     111     72
            Dyes and Colour*                                                49     202    246
            Fish                            »•                             -■^>4   130     139
            Firewood .                                                             28    3,428
            Fiait Fresh and Drie<           99                              61     71     392
            Furniture .                     It                              59     21      177
            Grocery .                       II                              95     304    204
            Ground Nut*                    Cwt.     30       4       4      14      6       3
            Gunny Bags (Empty)            Value                            351     548    S44
            Gum                                                                            12
            Habcrdeshery .                  ft                             630     338    637
            Hanna                         Cwt.                      10                      4
            Hides and Skin*               Value                            331     28
            Iron and Ironware                                               42     244    125
            Kerosine Oil                  Gall*.          1,292   5,184    423     65     268
            Lime* Dried                    Cwt.     24      62      94      70     129    133
            Machinery                     Value                             3             694
            Mat*                                                           2SI     134    184
            Matches .                       99                             3>3     3G0    GOO
            Metal*                                                          45     212    478
            Mineral* .                                                                    176
            Motor Car*                     Nos.      1       1      10      SO     20    1,987
            Hails, Iron                    Cwt.     220     82      67      63     70      45
            Nnta, Dessert .               Value                             15      2      32
            Oil. Fish .                   Galls.  5.0S4  26,632  73,256   4.391  2,312   3,800
            Oil, Sim Sim .                  99      916    412      7S     104     39      II
            Oil, Other Sort*.                       216     80     176      37      3      20
                                            99                                            129
            OnioDA                         Cwt.    1,164   350     403     111     209
            Pepper  •   •                            5      14              12     44
            Piece-goods                   Value                           5^06   11,296  4,191
            Potatoes .                    Cwt.      48       8              20     19
            Provision*                    Value                             14     242
            Pulses                        Cwt.      161     I GO   288     112     80     193
            Rafter* •                      No*.   36.450  13,702  87,080  2.283   1,287  18.570
            Rioe      .                    Cwt.   59,403  23,136  11,366  *3.056  15,030  7,788
            Robber good* .                Value                                            (4
            Sailcloth .                   Cwt.      52    • **              17      8
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111