Page 114 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 114


                                              TABLE K
                                          PORT OF KUWAIT.
          Return of Shipping of oil Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
                                        during the year 1927-28
                                ENTERED                                 CLEARED
                      With Caroo  Is Ballast  Total            Wren Casco  IB Dil-liST  Total
           Nationality of                            Nationality of
             Veaaeb                                   Vcsaeb
                     .Vo        No       No                   No         No      No
                      of        of'  Too-  of                  of        of’  Ton­  of*
                     voa-  Tonnage  vta-  nage  Tfl-  Tonnage  ves-  Tonnage  VM  nage  ▼oa-  Tonnage
                     •eb        Mb       Mb                   Mb         Mb      acb
          Brttiah     68  190,678  20  88,166  84  234,844  British .  84  234.544  84  284,844
         Germany .     4   11.S0U          4   14,800  Germany.  4  14,500         4  14,800

                                                   Sailixo Vessels
         Indian        2                   2        Indian .              2        2
         Arabian      C73        76       749       Arabian .  408       433     844
         Xeeopotamlan  895      195      1,000      Mcaopotamlan .  302  709    1,071
         Fenian       017       312      1,229      Persian .  647       741     1.388

                                                    Motor Boats
         Arabia!      29                  29        Arabian .             29      29

                                              TABLE L
                                         PORT OF KUWAIT.
         Return of British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during the
                                             year 1927-28.
                                ENTERED                                 CLEARED

          Countries from   W'rra Casco  Is Ballast  Total  Oooatrlw to   Won Casco  Is BaLL1*7  TvTlL
           wbicb entered                             oriilch cleared
                     No         No        No                   No.        No      No
                      of'       of  Ton-  Of'                  of         cf’  Ton­  of  Toonagt*
                     vei-  Tonnage  vc--  nige.  ▼r»-  Toonv-  VM-  Tonnage  veL'  nage  ve»-
                     •cb                  •ob                  aeb                seb

         India        55  138,593          55  H8.503  lolia    1C  ■H.166         26  bd,164
         Iraq .                  to  S-USO  23  83.1C5  'Iraq   58  196,678        58  196.6 <

                                                    SaHISG Vn#2L?
         India         2                   2        India                  2        2

                                      1IGIPC——Vl-85—.*1 22 2ft— 25.
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119