Page 130 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
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                                                TABtE E.
             Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during tbe years 1926-27, 1927-28 and 1928-29. :

                                                       QrAWTITT                Vaunt
                                                1920-27  1027-28  102829  1920-27  1927-28   1928-29

                                                                         £      £        £
           Anchor*                        Nor              221                   , M
           Animals and Birds--
             Cora .                       Nos.     115     183            218     387
             Camels .   .                   ft                      2                     20
             Dwt .                          *»              2       1              2       1
             Donker*                       • t       3       8      3       4      14      6
             Hawks .                                 7              9       3              12
             Pea Fowls                               2      00     400      1       4      18
             Sheep and Goats                       480     510    2/»73   223     200    1437
           Arab Goa La                    Bdls.    532             414   3,980           4.908
           Bamboo* .                        •  9  20.200  2,000   8403     142     11     54
           Bamboos (Split)                  r*    23,040  1900     915     134    213     100
           Barter .                       Cwt.    40,984  20,885  21.CSC  12,475  7,914  5.944
            Building Materials            Value                           001    1.03G    600
           Canoe*                          Nos.     16      25     91      19      51     27
           Carpet* .                      Value                          1,309   1,008   2401
           Cereals                        Cat,             826    1.021           341     172
           Charcoal .                             1.990   4,484  11,291   982    1,812   I.4G6
           Cirarettc Paper                Value                            141    113      7/
           Clarified Butter               Cwt.     495     338     9S7   1,483   1,090   4,761
           Coal and Coal Tar *              •t      15 1    09     307      S      12     60
           Cocoa Nuts                     Nos.    13,500 :  7,100  4.162   46      23      18
           Coffee                         Cwt.      10      51     87      81     149     300
           Coir and Coir Rope                     1,107   8,84-1          9C9    2,497   1.622
           Condiments                     Value                                    38
           Confectionary .                                                        203     216
           Cotton                       . Cwt.      161    164 ,   27?    303     329     503
           Date**                                 90,722  84,691   100.018  31,544  16,593  21,335
           Pate Svrup                       I *     415   1,718   1,127   347     o32     451
           Date Wood                      Value                          5,445   4,74!
           Drans                            ••                             13      25     143
           Eartbcrnware .                   I ’                            72      58     67
           Firewood .   ,   ,              Cat-    1.35S  27.810  33*',636  720   915    6,9^5
           Kxsh                           Value                            20      28     108
           Fruits (Fresh and Dried)                                      6.1S6   4.218   3.002
           Furniture .   .   .            Value               s            28             136
           Gramophones etc.                 H                                       6      15
           Grass Hay and Straw                                           3,538   2,080   4-527
           Grocery .   .   •               ft '                           275     172     275
           Ground Nuts                    Cat.     2t>4    285 i   841     145     98     213
           Gunny Bays (Empty).            Value                                     9      21
           Habrnlashery  -                 H                                      334
           Hard and Glassware .             • t                                           409
           Henna      .   ■               Cat.      156   373    222       67      92     160
           Hides and Skins .              Value                            65     107      75
           lrxta and Ironware                                              152    203     784
           Kerorine Oil                    Gals.   69„464  86,880  63-240  3,473  4,344  2.721
           Litres (Dried)  .              Cwt.      79       2      42     99       9      86
           Machinery   .                  Value                            38     730
           Mat*      . • *                 Nos/ •   31.132  46.823  38,950  1,015  1-332  823
           Metal*     •   •               Value                            88      39      77
           Mineral* -   •   •               at                                    128
           Motor Car*                      Koa.      5       2      3      200    240     300
           Motor Acccss^ne*               Value                                   140      24
           Nsib, Iron   .   •               M                              27      14 |    44
           Not*. Deeaert  .                                                104 j  216 .
           Oik Fish •   •   •             Cases   4.196  90.360  23.0S7  2,288 j  4,822  2,454
           OH. Simtim   •   •             Calls.   304     652    4.234    59 1   102 j   504
                                                                             1.      :
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