Page 153 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 153


                                      TABLE J—toncUL
           of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 192$-27, 1927-28 and 1928-29 concld.
                                               QoAxrmr                  Vaxxc
     Abticlci a*d Saves or coustrics  TO WHICH
                                         1920-27  I927-2S  1929-29  1926-27  1927-28  19CH-29

                                                                   £       £       C
   Articles not specified above—                                                    2i»0
     Arab Coast ...               Value                             283     62
     ’Iraq .   •                                                    57       H      270
     Persian Coast                                                  45       9
     India ....                                                                     98
     Other Countries •              ••                              47

                          Total                                   80,715  110,039  72,630

                                         TABLE K.

                                    PORT OF KUWAIT.

   Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
                                   during the year 1928-29.
                         ENTERED.                                  CLEARED.
              \rrxa caaoo.  IS BAU-A.-T. •  TvTaL.      Wrrn  Is mxxi«T.  Total.
    Nationality of                            Nationality o<
      Vessels.                   !              VCitcLi.
              S'*.       Vo                             .Vo        Vo        Vo
              "I         of  Teii=AS-.j v'(^ • Tannage.  <4  Tonnage.  of    i€
              Vrf-  Tonnage.  V‘i*'                     V«         V.a-  Tonnage.  V,«.  Tonnage.
              Kb.        S(l».    ht. J                            scls.    *Ja.
   British     ZC  197.029  26   1  >2 I  250.229  DrjfHh .  52  250,229      M  =€0.229
   Oct man .    5  52.067        I  5 !  52,067  German  5   52,067           5   52.067
                                     i      Siiusi; tgsna.
   Indian .     S                   s; I     Indian      2                    2
   Arabian .   i.on       64      LO?5 !     Arabian .  2S6        5S0       €06
   Traqlan .   1.249      63      1,232 I    Traqi&n .   196      1.212     1.409
   Pent an .  !.!»       117      L21»       Persian .  273        901      1.174
                                             MOTOE BOATS.
   Arabian .   to                  26        Arabian .   20                  99
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158