Page 171 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 171
TABLE D—conoid.
Imports of Principal Articles by S*samers during the years 1927*28, 1928-29 and 1929*30 concld.
Articles and names or countries rnoM which
IMPORTED. 1927-23 1923-29 1920-30
1927-28 1928-29 1929-30
£ £ £
Tvtcb— 110 20
'India . Pkgs, 11 15 CO
Persian Coast ft 14 2
Iraq w 1 100
Other Countries 10
Vegetable Products—
India . Cases 557 743 573
Other Countries 50 07 108
Vermicelli— !
Persian Coast . Plcs*- ISO 100 144 07
India H 250 200
Other Countries 50 40
99 I
Wheat— 2
Arab Coast . . Cwt. 3 12 3 2 6
India 3,189 3.359 1,220 1.700 1.792 539
Persian Coast : 20 3 1 10 2
Wheat Floui
Arab Coast . 12 20 6 0 12 3
India 99 8,231 7,413 G.0C2 4,371 4.012 3,401
Iraq 3 2
Pt rsian Coast 49 7 C 26 5 3
Wood and Wood Elbows—
India Valae 75
Artich s not specified above—
Arab Coast .
India .... 70 11
Iraq .... 1
lVrrian Coast 29 21
Other Countries 10 19
274,485 215,754 i 220,456
Total £
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1927-28, 1928-23 and 1929-30.
Quantitt Yalce
1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1927-23 1923-29 1929-30
£ £ £
Anchors Nos, 221 3 33 3
Animals and Birds—
Cows . 188 292 387 621
Camels . 2 ay
Deer . 99 2 I 2 1
Donkeys 99 8 3 23 14 6 40
Hawks . 9 5 12 G
Horae* ; ft 6 113
Pea Fowls , ft 99 60 400 4 18
Sheep and Goats 99 516 2,573 777 260 1,337 :iv.»