Page 294 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
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                                              TABLE D—toncli.
               Imports of Principcf Articles by Steamers during th« years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33—concli.
                                                       Qcastitt.             Value.
              Aanci.cs and names or countries rnoa which
                           IMroiTEO.                          i                     I
                                                 1930.31  1931-32  1932 33  1930-31   1931-33 S 193W.)
                                                              i          £             R*.
             lVhrtt Flour—                                    '                R" I
               Ineia                     . CVt.    2.140   920    318     734   019 I 1,494
               A rib Coast .                St       11      9             3      *2
             Arti'W not fp***cificd ab<r<                                           !
               I :>ds .                    Value                          11C   1.140 . 2.(0.001
               'Iraq    -                                                        312 ;   32420
               Pce-ian Coart                                                           12.1 ^5
               IHier Countries                                             2        J 21,030
               Anb Coast -                                                             1.W0
                                                                       148,113 ! 18,51.961   21.33,827
                                                 TABLE E.
                 Imports of Prindjal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33.
                                                       Quantity.              Value.
                                                 1930-31  12*31-32   1932-33  1930-31  1931-32 . 1932 33

                                                                               R*.     R*.
             Anesvrs .                     No*.      3
             Animals and Binds—
               Cows                                 172     94    195           2,431  6.077
               Dr-r     - -                          1      3                     18
               DoaJeers                     r*      CO      24     16            7«)    499
               Hawk** .                             42      13      3            122     30
               Hccs« .                               5
               Sb«-p and Coda                       623    150    698           1.115  4.736
              Arab Cloak*                  Bd!es    190     61                 10,868
              Bamlooc -                    Value                                44*4   1,320
              Bacloos (Split)                                                          1.885
              Bariew                       Cwt.   C9.710  15.116  42.748       37J81  75,719
              Buildog Matcriall*           Value                                       4.294
              Canoe*                       3fce.     28     69     18            797    176
              Card**                  Cwt.      8
              Carpet* .                    Value                               17.6S7  23464
              Cement                       Cwt.   10J330  4.080  11,773         H.ltf)  17.449
              Charcoal .   . *                     9,290  6425   11,772        12.621  19473
              Cigarette Paper                ae                                 5,**24
              Clarified Butter             Cwt.    1409    492    206          22449   8472
              Coal and Coal Tur            Value                                 406    275
              CoC'«.nut*                   No*.    8422                          2*4
              Coffee                       Cwt.      70     73     117          24V9   3.120
              Coir aed Coir Rope                   7477   10476                30,113  23411
              Cordrrtk/nery .              vJoe                                  10b
              Cotto*                       Cwt.      92    214     198          3>«    4420
              Date*                               141420  104,483       16,676  2424*i8   1.17421
              D*t«*SjTup                   Va7ue                          208   0437   2447
              Dye P-.wd-r                                                 314           tM
              Diva                                                       1412   4470   3407
              Fart ben ware                                               61    1.161
              Firewood .   .               Cwt.   28/460                 1,267  I4.9e0  184«
   289   290   291   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299