Page 350 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 350


                                              TABLE I—xontd.
               Exports of Principal Article* by Sailing Crafts during tbe years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-35—con/d.
                                                       (JUAMTTT.             Xaucz.
                       Dcscbiptiok dr, Articles.
                                                 1'.'32-33  1‘J33 :u  1334 3.')  1932-33  1933-31  1934-33

                                                                       It*.   Ra.    K*.
               Cocoanuls                   Value
               Coffee                      CVt.    200     04     322  12.435  3.521  10.06!
               Coir and Coir Hope .        Value                       23.239  7.3*5  16.144
               Cottou                      Cwt.     10     40      3     149    MO     111
               ])iU«                        9f    19.338  17,200  20,514  29,006  77.219  34^4*
               Dale Stone*                                       1.485                1.OI0
               Drugs                       Value                        1,085  2^74   1—43
               Jhcti and Colour*                                         KIT    780     «
               >Vh                                                      783    I.C87  2.053
               Fi«h Mi«« •   __ •                                        100
               Fruit. Fn»h and Dried
               Furniture .                                                      25
               Ground Nula                 Cwt.   .. 00           153   200           1.191
               Gunny liars, empty .        Value                       11,479  13.400  10.916
               HabvnlasUry •                                                   1.MW    MO
               Hide* and Skins                                           134   1.20S
               ln»n and Ironware                                         199    489    242
               Keroftine Oil               Galls.  G72            64    284             40
               Linu-ts drkd                Cwt.            30     53            618    755
               Machinery                   Value                        310     200
               Mata                                                     908     142
               Matches .                                               7,087    135
               Merchandise                                              300
               Metals .   •   •                                        1.400           120
               Minerals .                   •6                                  114
               Motor Can and Cycle*        Nos.                    1                   too
               Oil. F»h .                  Value                       9,521  15.948  17.**5
               Oil, Sim Sim                                              104    100
               Oil, Other Sorts           Gails.          328     19    391     637     S3
               Onions ...                  Cwt.    228           252    583            499
               Pepper                     Value                          60
               Piece-Goods                                             51,3<!2  24.140  33.159
               Provisions                                                       50     427
               Pulses .                    Cwt.    110    1G8    545    249     425   l.'«S9
               Rafters                     Nos.   20.720        20.930  8.204  12.596  9.716
               Rice   >     •’             Cwt,   1,738  4.225  6.238  9.W3   12,565  30.736
               Sailing Cloth               Value                                       2X1
               Saltpetre ...                                                           I9f_
               Sewing Machines             Nos.             3                   372
               Sberhat .                   Value                        .200
               Sim Sim Juice  .                                                        423
               Soap   ...                                               430    1.042   360
               Spices .   .                                                     400
               Sugar, Loaf                        1,837   788    940   11.942  6.200  9.675
               Sugar, Soft   .   .                10,731  9,200  9,924  72.130  67.877  65,300
               Tallow .               V                     3                   70
               Tamarind                                  3,600  2,976  47.729  17,431  18-238
               Tea .                              1,200  1,073  2,263  20.729   24.747  1.09-130
               Timber .                                                14,101  10.714  11.433
               Tobacco-   .   .                    100                  1,304   915   2/618
               Vegetables   .   .                                      3.352   2.214  1.4«
               Wheat .                             918     31     83   3,367    84     276
               Wheat Floor                        1,918   613    602   9.013   3.216  2,«*
               Wool                                       C78    245   10.146  6.933  6.231
               Articles not specified above                            2,633  4.845   3 **
                                   Total                              4/11,125  3,57.495  4,96.198
   345   346   347   348   349   350   351   352   353   354   355