Page 390 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 390


                                             TABLE J—contd.
              Exports o! Principal Articles by Sailing Cralt during the years 1933-34, 1934-35 and 1935-36.

                                                     Qiantitv.              Vamk.
           Amicirs- and >ame« or cocntries t« wmen exported..
                                                KIM-34.  11*34 35.   1035-36.  1033-34.   1034-35.   1035-36.
                                              ■                        Kh.    Hi*.   1U.
           Coal «rul Coal Tar—
             Arab O'*a*                  Value                           42
             Perrian Coast .                                             2
           Coffee—                                   !
             Aral* Coast .               C»t.      79     106    295   2.021  2.900   9.240
             'Iraq .   .                           13     216    50     «KV   7.671 •  2.230
                                              i             i
           Coir and Coir P.ope—•
             Arab Coart .                Value              j          2.290   2.COO   1.425
             'lra^                                                     5.093 :  12.9*14 :  .  4.957
             Persian Coa at .                                                  5S0     920
           Cotton—                                                 i
             Arab Coast                  Cwt.  !   40      5  i  36     810    114     740
                                              i             s      i
             Arab Coast                       !  16.762  26,544  32.234  76.493  51,842  40.129
             India                        »•      420       :   2.100   710          4.200
             'Iraq                                 12              l     16
             Persian Coast                    !      I            5                     9
           Pate Stows—
             Arab Co art                      !          1.485  !  637        1,040    550
            Prop*—                                          !
             Arab Cout                   Value {     ;              !   930    225     222
             'Iraq                            j             i          1.294   910 !   200
             Persian Coast .                                             50     80     60
                                                     ;      1
            Pyre and Colour*—
             Arab Coaat                              i                  786      8
            Fish, Dried—                             i
             Aral* Coaat                                    ;          1,600  2.055   1.029
             Persian Coart .                         !       ■           87           1.077
            Furniture—                               i
             PematA Coast                 »*                           25               70
             Arab Coast                              i                                  80
            Ground Nuts—
             'Iraq                       Cat.             153     45          1.191    170
            Gunnv Baps, Empty—                               t
             'Iraq                       Value       :       i        13.280  10.826  3.995
             Arab Coast                                                 120     W)     45
             Per>iasa Coart .
                                          H                 |                         2.504
             Arab Coast                              '                 1,778   830     963
             'Iraq                                   l      ;            90
             Peniau Coast                 w
           Hides and Skins—
             l«q                          99                i          1,268
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