Page 429 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 429

                                           TABLE L.
                                         Port of Kuwait.
         Return of British shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during tie
                                           year 1936-37.
                             ENTERED.                             CLEARED.
         Countrii'A from   With Caigo.  In n ALL AST.  Total.  Count rt»* to   Wm Carlo.  Li Ballast.  Total.
          «L  irli entered.                    aluch clewed.
                  No.       No.       No.               No       No,       No.
                   of  Tonnage.  of                     of       ^ot
                  Vo •A"    V <■*-  Tonnage.  x* z  Tonnage.  v«*-  t*-  Tonnage.  Tm  T<
                  II'       BC        Io
         India .   30  1 S3,840        30  153,840  India  11  ♦WSJ   37.107  20  82.400
         United King­  22  to:,Mi      22  102.6SS  United King­  22  102, OSS  tl  102,  CSS
          dom.                                  dom.
         ltAq .    20  82,400          20  82,400  Iraq  20  iiuio  10  ♦2,730  30  1S3.B40
         JYrrla .  17  62,745          17  02.745  Tenia          17  02,745  17  42,745

                                          EaILTSO VtSfTU,

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