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                                              CHAPTER XII.
                                      Surveys in the Persian Gulf from 1871.
                             132.  A comprehensive account of the survey operations carried out by the
                                                       Indian Navy in the Persian Gulf as well
                          in Foreif*Department Proceedings, General a., as j|ie Indian waters was compiled by
                         August 1871. Nos. 35-33-
                          (a) The Indian, Surrey*, by C. Markham.   Mr. Clements Markham in 1871 (see
                          (37 l.o*'« Hi*tvry of the IiiJi-m N.ivy.  synopsis in Chapter I above).
                             133.  The question was then being discussed as to continuing or revising
                         the work done by the Indian Navy. The opinions of the Political Agent m
                         Turkish Arabia and the Resident in the Persian Gulf were called for, through
                         the Bombay Government, as to the necessity of further surveys in the waters of
                         the Persian Gulf. Their reports arc interesting as showing what they considered
                         was needed at the time, and as indicating the directions in which surveys may
                                                       have yet to be made, and are therefore
                          General A., March 1872, Nos. lS*2o.
                                                       printed in extenso below :—
                                         No. 99, dated Bagdad, loth November 1871.
                              From—Lieutenant-Colonel C- Herbert, Political Agent in Turkish Arabia,
                              To—The Secretary to the Government of Bombay in the Political Department.
                            With reference to Government Resolution No. 4606, dated 27th September, which
                         reached me on the 25th ultimo, 1 have the honor to report that, having no official connec­
                         tion with the Persian Gulf, 1 am not in a position to offer an opinion as to the necessity of
                         further surveys thereof further than to state that, so far as the trade of this country is
                         concerned, no complaints have ever reached me from the commanders of vessels as to the
                         insufficiency of the existing charts, nor during three years I have resided in Turkish
                         Arabia have I heard of any accident to any vessel in consequence of such.
                            So far as I am informed the charts in use are considered excellent, the landmarks
                         and soundings being clearly and accurately laid down.
                            As regards this country itself, which from its historical associations its capabilitirs
                         with reference to agricultural and commercial enterprise, and its geographical position,
                         is of the greatest importance, there can. 1 think, be no doubt that it would be very desirable
                        to complete the survey.
                           The map now being compiled by Lieutenant Collingwood will be drawn from surveys
                        of the tvo great rivers, the Euphrates and Tigris, and the intervening country, but all tbe
                        vast tracts of the province to the north and north-east, and that portion tlitt lies between
                        the I igris and the Louristan Range, have yet to be surveyed.
                           The task of undertaking this work would, I imagine, properly appertain to the
                        Ottoman Government, but it is highly improbable that it will ever initiate such an
                        undertaking, though possible it might be proposed to it by Her Majesty’s Government
                        with such offc:s of assistance in surveyors, etc., as might be deemed expedient.
                           As regards the Shot-ul-Arab, I would not recommend that any special expense be at
                        present incurred on a further survey, though, if that of the Persian Gulc be undertaken,
                        the work might (with the consent of the Slates on either bank, Persia and Turkey) be
                        extended to liusreh.
                           It seems probable that, in I he course of comparatively few years, Kovveit may become
                        the principal poet of this country in the place ol liusreh.
                           I imagine that if it be decided to construct a railway to connect the Persian Gulf
                        and the Mediterranean, Kowcit will be the position chosen for the terminus on the Gulf.
                           But even though this be not so, it is not impossible that a navigable canal mav he
                        made from Husr<-h 10 tne head of a large creek that iuus inland from the harbour of Kowe t
                        to mar Zobair, and this would complete the water communication between that hatbour
                        and the capital, Bagdad.
                           The harbour oj Kozveil is said to be one of the finest in the world—to be easily
                        entered, ami very safe, while its climate is as salubrious as that of Busreh is unhealthy.
                           I had a conversation on this subject some little time ago with His Excellency Midhut
                        Fa«ha, and found him fully alive to the importance of the project which had already
                        attracted his attenticn.
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