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           regulation visit to Bandar Abbas; while he displayed a considerable professional
           activity during the outbreak of plague at Bushire, where he announced that,
           upon his approaching return to Russia, he was to be replaced by two com­
           patriots. In connection with this medical propaganda, it has to be mentioned
           that when the first rumours were circulated of plague at Bushire, the Russian
           Lagation at Tehran at once announced their intention of sending doctors, with
           Cossack escorts, to Bushire as well as Shiraz, in order to establish a plague
           cordon for the protection of those places from the Indian pestilences and then
           Russian doctors took up their quarters both at Shiraz and Kerman.
               13. In 1898 Count Kapnist, nephew of the Russian Ambassador at Vienna,
                                         applied for a concession from the P6rte
           Kapnist railway project.from the Mediterranean
          Sea to the Persian Gulf, 1S09.  for constructing a railway line from Tripoli
            Secret E, May 1899, Nos. 50-78.  in Syria to the Persian Gulf. It was re­
            Secret E., July 1899, Nos. 3G5-367.
                                          ported, however, that though the Russian
           Embassy at Constantinople supported the scheme, the Russian Ambassador did
           not actively interest himself in the affair. It was believed that M. Witte preferred
           a railway from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf instead of one from Tripoli,
           which would be impossible to carry out without English capital.
               14. From reports received in April 1899, it was found that Count Kapnist
            „     „ . . v,               had informed the Pdrte that he had ceased
            S.c,<« e., September ,899. No, ,8-,9.   t0 have any connection with the scheme,
           and that M. Rechnitzir was the real applicant for the concession. The terms
           of the draft convention were carefully examined at the Ministry of Public
           Works and certain modifications were agreed to. The head of the line was to
           be Alexandretta, not Tripoli, as originally proposed. The line was to proceed to
           Aleppo, Deir, Baghdad, Basrah and a terminus on the Persian Gulf, with a
           branch line from Baghdad to Najaf vid Kerbella. A line from Koniah vid
           Adana has to join the main line between Aleppo and Alexandretta.
               15. In February and March 1899 three Russians proceeded to Koweit
                                          from Basrah, furnished with letters of
                 Russians visit Koweit, 1S9O.
             Secret E., September 1899, Nos. »40*180.  introduction from the VVali.
              ]6. In June 1899 the Russian Consul at Ispahan Prince Dabija visited Bushire.
                                          He intended stopping four months in those
            Prince Dabija’s visit to the Gulf and Arabistan,
           tSy).                         parts with a view to establish Russian
             Secret e., September 1899, Nos. 140180. Consular Agencies at Bandar Abbas,
            1 *                          Maskat and Mohammerah. He was also
          going, it was said, to inspect Hormuz as to its suitability for a coal depot. A
          merchant arrived at Bushire about this time and informed the Resident that three
          Russians had come to Bandar Abbas and that there were rumours that the place
          was to be leased to Russia. The visitors were not however Russians but a
          German by name Toeppen, a convert to Mohamedanism and his companions.
              17.  Prince Dabija proceeded Ahwaz by way of Mohammerah. The Russian
                                         Prince talked to the Sheikh of Mohammerah
                     Ibid No. 167.
                                         of his and Sheikh Mubarak being under
          British control, of the Russian desire to have a port in the Persian Gulf, and of
          the British being in the way, etc.
              18.  On 181 h April 1899, with reference to reports published of Russian
                Russian designs on Kishnt.   designs upon the island of Kishm, Count
              Secret E., May 1899, Nos 160—165.  Mouavief assured Sir C. Scott, Her
          Majesty’s Ambassador at St. Petersburgh “ that there was absolutely no intention
          on the part of the Russian Government to add to the burden of their existing
          responsibilities by acquiring outlying ports or stations "which would requre
          naval defence in time of war. ”
              19.  In March and April 1899 reports were received that the Tiflis Kars railway
                                         was ready for traffic to Alexandrapol, and
               Railway project to the Gulf, iSOQ.
               Secret E., July 1899, N01. 314 318.  that as the convention concluded on 10th
                                         November 1890 would lapse in 1900, the
          Russian Minister at Tehran had authorized a Russian Syndicate of capitalists
          to construct a line from Alexanderpol by Djonfa to Chocton in Persian territory,
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