Page 174 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 174
164 Records of Bahrain
I think it nclvisablo to solicit tho a ipproval of tho Govornmont of India boforo
I communicate to tho Chief tho or dors of Government regarding tho rccogni-
tion of his 6on.
Enclosi/be No. 8.
No. 87-E. A., dated Fort William, tllo 17th January 1001.
From—T. C.-Edwatids. Esq., Officiating Undor-Sucrotnry to tho Government of
India, Foroign Department,
To—-Tho Political ReBidont in tho Poioian Gulf.
I nra directed to acknowledge tho recoipt of your lettor No. 204, dntod tho
2'Uh Docomber 1900, proposing that it should bo officially notiGod to tho
Chief of Bahrein that tho Govoruraent of India hnvo boon pleased to recognise
his eldest son Shoikhllamed.
2. Tho proposal is approved.
O, C. Prou, Simla. -No. 48 P. D.—lO-lO-OJl—25