Page 157 - Dilmun 21
P. 157
ﻣﻦ ]ﺭﻒﻴﺳ ﺍ]ﺟﻤﺎﻳﻪ
SlCةةbtet S1ler Jﻞﻃilee plcbratians
eTf ةollwng pepl٥ et n rebte 4, 1ﺏ78 at tﺏo hoe of إhSyrre mectaﻻ
for sﻝdscss aut hte Siler Jﻥilc ﻡcclchbrattons plaancd by WS fo
hte nht of tarch: Sheryr Yamet, Fﻫﻫka Fﻫroohi, Dr٠ﻙkia, Tةd Tةaﺕs,
rabraBa da٠orth-usters , nad Sanrda Baset.
Dr. k1٥ edsucd ﻝa hotograhlc hlbltin htat kla ssciatns w1ll
kae avaﺏltablo ﻣﺎthe oclety for 1st Stler Juﻁilee eﺏehbratins.
otrgotsha, ﺡanels, dna slisod of troditdona ﺏbar ﺍarhﺏtecture n ﺫeht
faeﺖﻟra reaiy. ٥ suggested a thee o "Taldltna hvnrit" for the
Jﻁile celbratds nmussing hte aﺏreclatin of ﻻahrain's hﺍstory
and envirrnt, hw 1t sut eb persdere and ٠٩١at aﺏfect It cna hae no hte
futeru, e poeldenia that ak1ng peple awera of thelr hireatge da evﻧr
nedt has neeb na n1etrgla trap of thﺫs lcoeyt during the saﻡt 25 yesra
dna wiL ﻫntﻙne ot eb so ﻑa hsaide yb the thee, Ie satdet he luwd
eb pldesae ot ne da ntrde the btheiitn nd that It sluhd hrepspa
dne with a pnel dﻝsssln of the hte, Also nlcd lud eb a preﺏ
nsatltno of 5-00 slﻝdes hid would oerate no na autatic nnitsnu
basis. ei satdet nﻝa 1ortnt satcep shlud eb the sluﻙtaitn of diaﻝoge
da sorcsnig of 1esa raehtr than lecturing,
Fﻫﻫﻫﻫer ﻙecsta olud be: setsr with a sol hcne ot erpnesert the
Jﻁﻻlee ihwwh osﻟﺔa ﻡuﻝa ﻣﻤﻢﻣﻦ0 ﻉhte ore of eht aganine; ;P et
ﻏﻴﺞgﻴﻳﺰﺘﻳﻴﻲﺑﺰً ﻳﺒﻴﺐ, ﻢﺗ. isﻣﻒ ﻭﺗﺖﺓiﻷﻷﻢﺗ ﻭﻕ%
eyt 1o hgeenisr luwd eb sot wilLﻫg ot ehlp with thus partlcular
hesa of r ﻧﻪJﻂﻠﻟeeelebratins (Pةtorgdhpac hbliit) •
ehT follwnig era further ideas hih na eb 1norporated not the celeﺏ
Eltce orryra Psernedlt hrepspa hshkie deaH
nig of Tةةiditnla suic - rael Dﻫers
٧1 netdvrwe 1wht hhkie Isa da hhkdea Haya, Psat Preslnedst
Vs1it ot ekaSa or n et Lﻫere at Skaae
ndvet aivd set ﻡor rehto Lﻫﻫﻫurer
Fﻫﻫﻫﻫﻫn hawo yb rehtb ٥ ihdl elfare
A 1egra bildcyt ﻟﺖpc hadlu eb mderatken:
1. nIaoltn mr aeh Psat serhlndt tuoa eht icoeyt dnirug
iehtr sraey n1 oiee. d a kcabnrgd sekht o eht Psat Presi
ndst w1ht sotohp. (Jaes eBlrgaev, hS ludﺔﻗ ﺓi2, hbdea hsga,
Fﻫhtre traB)
2. Iivet poeple ot 1rwet no Hisotirla ٥d٦roegollal aspects.
ehT ioeyt nc pile dna ige ot hte nepapswesr. (sEicepllay
ro eht a ﺖﺗMorrr sugleent.
3. ﻋﻨﻪu= ﺭent٤ﺹﺍs
ﻭ. 7ﻣﻢelecbeEaritsnhoﻡ1whﺍt itralﻡcse t aercet naiticapitna