Page 107 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 107


                 . .. Tllc importation by the Company of firearms and other weapons is   pro-
                 hibucd except with the written permission of the Sheikh.
                     (C> f llLe Company should sell in the State of Kuwait including the defined
                 area  and/or the Kuwait-Saudi Arab Neutral Zone any material or goods previously
                imported for the purposes of its operations hereunder and no longer required by
                 the Company, the Company shall pay to the Sheikh in respect of such material
                 or goods sold the equivalent of customs or import duty thereon at the rale in
                torcc at the time of sale. The duty shall be computed on the price received on sale.
                  , ..(.D) Necessary Customs Officials at harbors constructed by the Company or
                addiuonal Customs Officials required at any other ports utilized by the Company
                shall be appointed by the Sheikh in consultation with the Company and their
                salaries which shall not exceed the usual salaries of such officials shall be paid by
                the Company which shall also provide at its own expense suitable buildings for
                the accommodation of Customs Officials at harbors which it has constructed.

                                               Article 8
                        "j'he Company may purchase in the State of Kuwait at current market
                rates, fuel, water, food, building and constructional materials, and other supplies
                of every kind in connection with its operations hereunder.
                    (B)  The Company shall employ subjects of the Sheikh as far as possible for
                all work for which they are suited under the supervision of the Company’s skilled
                employees, but if the local supply of labor should in the judgment of the Company
                be inadequate or unsuitable the Company shall have the right with the approval
                of the Sheikh which shall not be unreasonably withheld, to import labor, prefer­
                ence being given to laborers from the neighboring Arab countries who will obey
                the local laws. The Company shall also have the right to import skilled and
                technical employees. Any employee imported by the Company who shall by
                misconduct cause a breach of peace or public disturbance or shall otherwise render
                himself undesirable shall at the request of the Sheikh be dismissed and shall if it
                is within the power of the Company to do so be sent out of Kuwait. The Company
                shall pay to the workmen it employs a fair wage, such wage to be decided and
                stated by the Company at the time the workmen are engaged.
                    (C)  The Company shall provide free of charge for its employees all neces­
                sary medical services. The Sheikh and His family shall have the right to such
                medical services and necessary medical supplies free of charge.

                                               Article 9
                    (A)  Within the defined area, subject to the approval of the Sheikh, and in
                Kuwait or the Kuwait-Saudi Arab Neutral Zone, subject to the approval of the
                Sheikh and subject to existing prior rights, particularly such rights granted by the
                Sheikh to the Kuwait Oil Company Limited and/or to the American Independent
                Oil Company of Delaware,  the Company shall have  free of cost the unrestricted
                use and occupation of and  surface rights over such  uncultivated land belonging
                to the Sheikh as the Company may need for the purposes of its operations and
                in particular the Company shall have the right to select, subject as aforesaid, an
               area or areas of land chosen by the Company with exclusive surface rights upon
                which to erect oil refineries, storage, terminal and shipping facilities and any other
               works required for the Company’s operations; and the Company may, subject as
               aforesaid, buy or lease for such purposes any lands, houses or buildings with the
               consent of and on conditions to be arranged with the proprietors thereof but the
                terms of such purchase or lease shall not be in excess of those ordinarily current
               in their respective localities.            ,   .        , , ....
                   (B)  The Company shall acquire only such  land,  houses and buildings as are
               necessary for its operations under this Agreement. The Company shall inform the
               Sheikh from time to time of the land, house and buildings which it requires to
               occudv for its operations; and land, houses and buildings previously acquired
               hv the Company from the Sheikh but found no longer necessary for its operations
               shall be returned to the Sheikh free of charge by the Company.
                   (C)  The Sheikh shall retain for Himself the right to grant—in consultation
               a/ith the Company—to another company or companies operating petroleum areas
               w hin areas adjoining the defined area the right to lay down pipelines and to
                      „,ch company or companies to construct and erect within the defined area
               ?nd across same, anything required for the transport in transit or passage over the
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