Page 478 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
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                 Government of Bahrain, Secretariat, File of Confidential Correspondence
                   Regarding Bahrain-Saudi Arabia Boundaries 1959.
                 Government of Bahrain, Offshore Boundary Agreement Between Bahrain
                   and Saudi Arabia, 22 February 1958, al-Jaridah al-Rasmiyah (Bahrain
                   official Gazette), 15 Sha'ban, 1377 (corresponding 6 March 1958).
                   English text of the Agreement, I.C.L.Q., vol. 7 (1958), p. 518.
                 British Political Residency, The Persian Gulf Gazette, Supplements Nos
                   1-52, Years 1952-66. H.M.S.O., London.
               Buraimi, Arbitration for the Settlement of the Territorial Dispute Between
                   Muscat and Abu Dhabi on one Side and Saudi Arabia on the other,
                   Memorial of the Saudi Arabian Government Submitted to the Arbitra­
                   tion Tribunal, Geneva, July 1955, 3 vols, Cairo (1955).
                 Arbitration Concerning Buraimi and the Common Frontier Between
                   Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia, Memorial Submitted by the Government
                   of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 2 vols,
                   July (1955).
                 Mimeographed Minutes of the Proceedings of the Buraimi Arbitration
                   Tribunal (Complaint by the United Kingdom against Saudi Arabia),
                   Sessions 11-15 September 1955, Geneva.
               Kuwait, Concession Agreement Between Kuwait Oil Company Ltd and
                   His Excellency Shaikh Sir Ahmed al-Jabir as7Sabah, dated 23 December
                   1934. (Not published.)
                 Exchange of Notes Regarding Relations Between the United Kingdom
                   of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the State of Kuwait,
                   19 June 1961, U.K.T.S., No. 1 (1961), Cmnd., 1409.
               Muscat, The Treaty of Sib, dated 11 Muharram 1339 (corresponding to
                   25 September 1920), the Arab information Centre, The Status of Oman
                   and the British Omanite Dispute, New York, September (1957).
               Neutral Zone (Kuwait-Saudi Arabia), American Independent Oil Com­
                   pany (Aminoil) Concession over Kuwait Half of the Neutral Zone,
                   dated 28 June 1948.
                 Offshore Concession Agreement Between the Government of Kuwait
                   and Arabian Oil Co. Ltd, dated July 1958, Kuwait al-Yawm, No. 181,
                   13 July 1958.
                 OfTshore Concession Agreement Between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
                   and the Commercial Japanese Petroleum Company (Arabian Oil Co.),
                   dated 10 December 1957, The Petroleum Times, Suppl. to vol. LXII,
                   No. 1579, 14 February, 1958.
                 Agreement Between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Relating to the Partition
                   of the Neutral Zone, 7 July 1965, translation published by the American
                   Society of International Law, International Legal Materials, vol. LV,
                   No. 6, November, 1965, p. 1134. Arabic text of the Agreement
                   in Umm al-Qura (Saudi Arabia), No. 2132, dated 18 Rabi‘ II, 1386
                   (5 August 1966).
               Qatar, Concession Agreement Between the Ruler of the State of Qatar
                  and Shell Overseas Exploration Co. Ltd, 29 November 1952.
               B. General
               Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases, Years   1919-
                   1924. London.
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