Page 193 - Arabian Studies (II)
P. 193

The First Days of British Aden                               185
        8      Rain in the morning, fine afterwards. Went onboard the
               Coo/e to breakfast at 8. Played at chess with Mr H. till nearly
               2, dined. Sailed about the bay in company with the Coote's
               launch and pinnace. In the evening played whist till 8.
                  In lieu of the town being delivered up today as promised a
               messenger was sent to say that the inhabitants would not
               place themselves at the mercy of the British, notwithstanding
               the Xeriffe yesterday swore on the Koran that Aden should
               be given into their hands, an instance of the regard the Arabs
               pay to oaths.
                  As a clue however to the wavering policy of the Sultan I
               was told today as a secret that the Sultan’s seal had been
               fraudulently obtained by some Banyans and Captain H’s
               interpreter, unknown to him, and affixed to an agreement of
               which the Sultan knew nothing. This Captain H. it appears
               only found out today and was in consequence greatly
               enraged but he has gone too far to recede, other troops
               having sailed from Bombay. Accordingly the flag-of-truce was
               hauled down and the Mahy and Chokee are going tomorrow
               to Front Bay to send some more shells into the town.
        9      Fine. Onboard all day.
                  The Berenice, steamer,  1 0  came in from Suez at 7 P.M.
        10     Fine. Onboard till 5 when I went onboard the Berenice with
               some letters for Bombay and then to the Coote whose
               officers but two had left her.
                  The Berenice sailed at 7 P.M.. She had onboard 24
               passengers one of whom Sir L. Campbell, the bearer of
               important despatches relating to the recall of the troops from
               Persia, the governor of Goa, the ambassador sent by the
               Imam to the queen etc.1 1 She towed round to Front Bay the
               Mahy, the Chokee and 4 gunboats to attack the town. All the
               Coote'1 s officers with the exception of the second lieutenant
               and clerk went with them.
        11     Fine. About Vi past 6 A.M. the sound of cannon reached our
               ears from Front Bay, the schooner and gunboats appeared to
               be actively employed.
                  At 11 went onboard the Coote where Captain Denton
               invited me to dine and I remained there until 9.
                  The schooner and gunboats came in at sunset. They had
               knocked down a few walls and burnt a house with a carcase.
               The Arabs to the number of about 500 fired many rounds
               and served their guns well but only one Englishman was
               wounded in the shin. They all appeared highly exhilarated
               with their day’s amusement.
                 The Atalanta steamer  1 2  came in at 10 in 9 days from
              Bombay; two transports, two frigates and a storeship sailed 4
              days before her for this [sic].
       12     Fine. Writing to England till 3. At 5 Majors Western and
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