Page 113 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 113
Tabic No. i-B.—Total Imports of principal articles during the years 1909*10 to 1911-1*.
Quantities. Yalui.
1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12.
Aries And ammunition — fts. Rs. Ra
Rifles' . No. 15,752 27,637 } 1,657,928 f6,30,205 11,81,260
Cartridges • M 5,533,600 9,350,000 i3,90,852 6.10,569
Rice • • . Tons 15,330 6,585 6,C0i 20,92,515 9,99,812 11,00.493
Pulse • . Cwts. 1,674 753 13,250 5,924
Wheat . C5.2CO 4,765 S37 3,02,214 ( 26,858 3.114
Wheat floor • i { 6,192 2.S11 } 46,901 35.6 41
Olhor grains • 99 6,811 29,756 14.807
Paints and Colours—
Wans (ochre) . Cwts. 318 2C2 30,600 30.490 29,250
Other kinds *> 10S 5,081 1,703
Precious stones and Metals—
Bar Silver . Bars 460 9,09,285 4.31,100
Jewellery 800
Pearls . • 5,000 7.500
Specie . 16.86.000 7,46,751 3,20.205
Biscuits ... 2.700 5,275 2,COS
Coflee • Cwtj. •1,824 5,186 5,201 2.07,432 2,39.415 2,54.496
Tea * 36 1,325
Kruit. fresh and dried 24,272 29,153
Ghee Galls. *19,253 1,9.84 3.483 1,13,145 8,022 16,5-69
Kerosineoil 97,000 97,621 50.015 41,190
Oil of all kinds. 110,302 13,830 9,311 } 1,36,891 { 31.937 23.039
Oilmans Stores. 7,000 1,09,594 74,796
Onions • Carts. 517 3,3-32
Spices . • 57600 63,981
Potatoes . • Cvts. 2,250 16,418
J ogree » 21 158
Sugar Candj • * 80 38 1,044 584
„ Loaf W 1 22,237 776 732 3,21,750 7,510 12,477
„ Soft 12,978 11,253 { } 1.43,651 1,43,475
Syrups . Galls. 189 312 2,000 839 2,038
Vegetables Cwts. 3,287 102 23,015 634
YcrmicelE n«. 7,700 14^00 ***8,000 4,750 5,030
Wines and Spirits Galls. 8,800 7,650 29,700 45,645 63,678
Textiles Fabrics— jds.
Cotton Goods . 1,000 3,677 3,857 9,30,105 7,93.690 6,91,840
Silk and silk goods Cwts. 175 60 2,39,450 30,565 39,050
Gold Braid n 1,000
Twist and jam . 4,412 2,402 2^34 3,1*6,960 1,74,718 2,0^380
Cigarettes •
8nuB . « 13,100 8,400
Tobacco . 910 730
10,112 16,380
Box board (sbooks) ,
Building materials . 91,660 1,14,460
Drugs . 13,720 8,576
Enamel ware . . 9,419 10.194
Glsss and Earthenware 9,100
Gunny bags . . 19,186 27 .024
Haborda&hery . , 10,560 10.694
2,000 3.094