Page 162 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 162
Tjfal Ezporh of Principal Article* during lie yean 1010-11 to 1012-13—contd.
Qnan title*. V a!se.
Article v.<l o. r*tries to
which exported.
1:10-11. 191 Ml. 1912-13. 1910-11. 1911*12. 1112-11
Hi. Ik IU.
Sx-dlnos, dr/ . CwU. 4,9 CO 12,(25 12,sue 16,658 4-1,925 61,092
Flth, drjr and salted *• 1,193 f-53 6,336 7.354 4,363 •17,671
Fuh m»w» *• 30 48 2,090 2,40C
Shark fins •• C01 232 16,700 7/510 4,340
Cottles . W 972 332 514 3,838 1^77 3,230
Daies, drj . Tccj 7,135 6,C17 4,351 Il.lS.SOS S,S5,597 6,09,900
wet 5,752 4,5-57 3,531 8,67,910 7,89,133 8,59,585
1* I*
Luci-s, drj . Ctt'.j. 5,521 4,(35 4,035 SO, 32 5 87,990 1,CO,950
?ctc.ograniU-s . M 311 2,190 1,829 41,139 73,739 56,199
Fruits, fdber kind* »« 6,5-31 3,:C-1 1,570
Paints and Coloan—
Dragoons' blood • Cwli 150 5 4 5,2.50 ScO 595
VTir^a (CdLra) . 10 21 £30 3,600
Precious Stones and Me tali—
Pearls . Voice 32,600 44,9&0 13,400
Sjeda . m 13,50,755 15,75,030 16,32,921
CcUce . Cwti 502 23,337
Ghee . Gak 104 5,192 762 429 23,130 11,000
ELijwab (Sweets) .Vales 22,900 17,520 8,775
Oilman stores • 0 16,207 8,355 GOO
Oil of all kinds . Gala. 160 69 80 465 176 200
Salt . Tons
h o£ar, loaf . Cwti. 222 6 2,220 72
. soft • m 818 596 36 8,130 6,010 545
Spices gk-„ • f •• 325 55 3,419
Vegetables • .Cwti 666 271 100 3,9CO 6,?S7 1,083
TV ires and spirits . Call. 322 341 382 3,075 2,730 3,407
Cowries • , Cwti. 849 1(5 134 4,215 1,256 030
Ko'.ber-of-Pearl 50,250 0,100 39,260
Tort Is Shells • n 760 190