Page 205 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 205

                                PORT OF MUSCAT, OMAN, ARABIA.
         .Return of British Shipping which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during the
                                          year 1913-1
         (To be forwarded to the Assistant Secretary, Commercial Dcpaitmcnt, Board of Trade, London,
             S.W., as soon as possible after the end of the rear to which the Return relate.-, and also embodied
            In the Annual Report. See Chapter XIX of the *f Consular Instructions,” and also the Circular
             '* Commercial 12379" issued by the Foreign Office iu May 1910.)
                                        (a) Bit an Vestel*.

                             ENTERED                               CLEARED
                      With   T.v HallASr.     :              With   Is Ballast. • Total
         •Countries whence   Ca 2 goes.  Total  !  Countries to which   Cargoes.  :
            entered.                             cleared.  I                  !
                    No.      No.     No.                  No.      So      | No.
                     of , Net ton* of  Net ton­  of  Net ton­  cf • Set ton*  of  Net ton- - of Net ton*
                    v«- isge. I vtl*  nage.  TO*-  nage.  '  v*$-i nage.  TC»*  cage.  vc*. nage.
                    a els.!   wla.   »*l*.   1            ids.              ■el a.
                      :                                      ;
         f-iitc-l Kingdom.  14 . 5-2,151  1  1,320  15  33,071 (United Kingdom .
                            I                                1
         Other countries,4                   . Other countries,4
          rlr- ■—                              rii
         India      73 , 53,033 j ...   73  83,033 In-Jia .  . C7 75,421 ; 0  5,577  76  SO^S
         Sweden      1 ‘ 2,801 ...    1  2,£01 Jeddah    . - I ...  1  2,029  1  2,0^9
        ’Cnited States      :                j United States.   |
          of America  2  5,152 , ...  2  5.152: of America. .   2,  5,312 I ...  2  5,312
                    90 123,162  1  1,3a0 91  126932 j     69 i 80,763 1 10  7,G00  79  S5,3c9
                                       {b) Sailing Vessel*.
                             ENTERED                               CLEARED
                      With   In Ballast.                  I With   . I* Ballast.
         Countries whence   Clegoe%    Total  Countries to which   i Cargoes.  Total
           entered.                              cleared.         I
                    No.1    No.      No.1                 No.      No.      No.
                    of Net ton- of  Net ton­  of Net ton*  ! of  Net ton- of -Net ton­  of  Set ton-
                    u«- aage.   TC*-  nage.  tea- cage,   re*-  nage. ; Tci-j nage.   Tea*   «age.
                    ad*.’   aela.    tela.   i            eela.    aeL*.    se La.
        United Kingdom.                   _ '-United Kingdom .
        Other countrie*,4                     Other countries,*
          nr.:—                              :
        India       29  2,088  16  L377  44  3,465 India .  19  1,451  20  1,744  39  *195
                                             ilckalla      3   311           3   311
                    29  2,088  15  1,377  44 |  3,405 >   22  1,763 j 20  1,744  42  3^00
                    4 Each country should be shown separately, a continuation sheet being used if aieeaaa^j.


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