Page 283 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 283

No. 358, dated Muscat, tlio 14th February 1918.
                 Frem—Major L. B. If. ir.woitTir, I.A., Political Agent and Ilis Britannic
                        Majesty's Consul, Muscat,
                 To—The Secretary lo (lie Government of India in tic Foreign and Political Depart­
              I have the honour to forward herewith the Trade Report for Muscat for
          the year 101G-17 together with trie Returns of statistics for the same period.
              2.  Arrangements have now been made by which the figures for future
          Trade Reports will be obtained in the early spring and thus the report in
          future submitted early in the year.
              3.  I would request that if the report should be printed one dozen copies
          may kindly be forwarded to me for use in this office.
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