Page 295 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 295
to iviv-i;—conU.
Tnblc No. i-B.—Total imports of principal articles during the years 19X4*25
1911 -15. lOlj.16. 1910-17. 191-1*15. 1915-18. 1910-17.
Hi. Es. Rs.
JJUcc'lhocoR* — 46.500
Box Boird (shook*) Value lJ.=0l 10.031 200
Building Material* 10,213 . 4.7J2 50
Drug* . • ft 12.017 3.330
Enamel ware . - 2.750 7C0
Glass and Ksrthcnwaxe . 27,520 15.3-:5 17,28)
Gunnj Bag* ?,:-9<5 9U9
Haberdasher/ . If b.2-0 2-50 7.615
Hardware l» 9,534 •J.6S8 ICO
Hides and Shine . 411 32*'
M'.sicnl Instrument* 1.G20
Perfumer/ . • •• I 12,131 ll.GOl
Scrap .... 5.216 1,910
Timber :! 1,600 1.200
Stationer/ n eio 670 110
Wearing Appirel . ^ - 4,890 1:0 •1,820
Articles not speciGed a’ove » I 83,095 11,406
Tolvl by Steamers 48.27X9S j 28.05,721 10,80,095
D/ Sailing Vessel* —
isicc • Tons 1.5 =.6 3,692 7,217 2,71,4'9 4,55,113 10,03,569
Puhe • Cwts. Si7 077 1,018 •5.UO 4.677 9,760
Whet •• 5,6:5 11,187 11,980 14,290 63,916 8 i,363
Flour . ft c:-s 2.791 3,598 4.260 25.531 27,117
Other grain* ft 508 3,003 3,811 2,353 15,355 13,063
Fish Maws .
Fainta and Colours—
Other kinds • 118 S33 550
Coffee . . . . 557 176 3,170 23,160 12.008 93,433
Fruits, Fresh and Driel Value 1.231 857 13
Ghee . . • Gals. 4,!C3 *2,856 18.477 18,934
Oil of all krnls . 21,3U 24,688 82,759 32,039 49,898
Oilman** Stores . Value 15 110
Spice* . 1C.135 24*993 43,903
Sugar, Cand/ . . Cut*. 33 50 51 570 651 916
pf Loaf ... ft 420 12;28l
„ Soft . . . w 1^)18 3,316 6,188 18,125 31.782 65,681
logree . • 133 93 CO
Syrup* • Gal*.
Other Sorts . ., Value 5,529 447
Wines and 8piriti . . Gals. 592 3,745
Textile Fabrics—
Colton Coeds . . Yd*. 56 317 1/.60 13,9-18 69,847 2,97,491
Twist and Yam • • Cwt*. 676 172 645 28,313 9,701 43,933
Snuff . . Value 1.075 225 121
Tolaeco 1,950 1,160 3.8GI