Page 305 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 305

             TablJ No. a-B.—Total exports o 1 principal articles during the years 1914-15 to 1916-17.
                                               Qtajctitibs.            Va LUt
               Article* an<l countries to which
                      ex porto I.
                                         1911-15. I 19:5-10.  1910-17.  1015-15.  1916-10. i 19:6-17.

          Anions—                                               IU.     Re.    Bs.
           Cxxols •   •            Nos.
           Jlcrscs ...              9*
           Otisr Kind* •            •f       43                    4.50
             and An munition—
          ‘ Ei!e« -                 ft     8,294                71'.540
           Cvtridges                 f  1,130,9iC                67,etiO
           I'.ire -   •   •         Tens     15             4    3,422            651
           Wieat .                 CVj.      •Jl                   550
           Wheat Floor   .                   68 :   89     04     518     900    1,202
           Other Graius .            n       S3      7      2      425    100      26
           SiHines, Dry .                 33,120  22,145  6,302  I4d,4'19  110,285  44,744
           Fiji, Dry end Salted .    99     9u7    391    1,135  S.C40   1,960  37,900
           FVj Maws
           Sh»rk Fins   .   •               451 •   0G6    671   2,740   ’£589  28,700
           Cattles .   .   •         ft     103 - '  110           i3-4  1,654
           D&tes, Dry   .   .      Tear   14,943 .   4,29 S   1,053  85 7,'.02   593,130  198,017
            . Wee                          1,977   1,742   9-3  85 3,129   392.762  237,626
           Lises, Dry   .   •      Cwij.   1,296  2,229    60S   3-5,773   65.523  10/020
           Pcttegranalcs   .   .            651    bOu     533   17.501   23.523   21.928
           Fnits, ether kinds  .     *                   • M     -2,717   794   10.5C0
          Pair.ti and Colours—
           Dragoons' Blood ,                 3 !                   450
           Wars* (Ochre)  .   .      99      12 -                 930     270
          Ptecaas Stcncs and Metals—
           P«jU .   .   ,          Yalta                         3,COO   23,800  11,440
           Specie •   •   .          m                          971260  207,875  LI 8,412
           Core. .   .   .        . Cwi*.   37     251     72
           Gt/e                   . Gab.    9c9 ,  728     433   3/25   19,270   4,140
           Halavah (Sweats)       . Yahe          • ••            445    2,715  10,620
           Oilman Store*  .   .                   • ••                    170     230
           Oil of alltjndi  .   «  GaL            1,000           204      30    1,800
                                  . Ton                                   600
           S:pr, Loaf             . Cwts.   242
              Soft                          86                   3,025
           Spies                     99                    200   1/11            6,000
           ^tables                . Cwts.                   12    lOO            1^00
           Wiaea and Spirits      . Gala.   522    300           1/74
           ilothcr-of-poari .     . Yalta                  252   6,130   3,268   4,470
           Cowries ...            . CvrU.                               29,650
                                                                  675    1,020
          Textils Fabrics—
           Cotton Goods (Muscat manafactured/vds. IOCO  114  125  25 3  64,700  1.P7.300
                           ♦         99     106     88      8    37^20  25,100  3,53.000
                                     m                           2,000
                                  . Yahe
           Tobacco .                                             2/80    1,625    660
                                    99            • ••           1/00    6,305   1.180
   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310