Page 330 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 330


                                           TABLE 2fo. 1-C.
                 Vrir.cipal articles <i li countries from izl.kl. imported during the years 1016• 17
                                              to 10 ki-19.

                                                Quantity.               Value.
                 Artie!-’* and r&aatrie * from *Wnce
                         imp rtoJ.
                                         1910-27.  1917-13.  1918-19.  1910-17.  1917-18.  1913-19.

                                                                         15*.  • E«.
                 C* cal*—
                   Iaiia         •M  Tons   156     19     423    2,170    122  1.13,781
                   India         ... c*u.   931     335    903    8.894   2, COO  lO.SOO
                  meat Conr—
                    India            ■i     CSS     3S9    120    7.C13   •J.G90  2.1C0
                  Oth*r gr»ici —
                    India   • ••         • —202    —07      •3'i  2,(-92   GIG     SCO
                 Taint* *rd colonn—
                  IVaias lOolro)—
                    India            99      16     12            1.50*   1.200  1^00
                  Other kind*—
                    India          Vain*                           125     350
                 Tricicus itonfi &f.d metal* —
                    Arab Cout                                     0.90»
                    India                                        93.600
                    India         .. Tal-a*               •••     3,631   1,300  1.CO0
                    India        M Carts.  2,820  a  1,461  1.CS0  1.02,495  59,379  79,300
                    India M          r»      10                    780
                  Froit, freak an d dried—
                    India        ... Talc*                       16.8CO    380    S80
                                                          • M
                    Pei.ia                 •H                              100
                  Xerotia* ofl—
                    Peraia       •» Gal*.  23,036                14,9 CO

                  Oil of all kind*—
                   Ir.dia            »»             176            234    446      23

                  Oilmen aterr*--
                   India         .•. Tatu*        • ••    • ••   42,010  19,176   200
   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333   334   335