Page 338 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 338
Quantity. Ynl :e.
Articles nnl counlrn lo
which oxported.
1916*17. 1917*18. 1919-19. 1919*17. 1917-13. 1918-19.
Rs. iu R*.
Misctll *neous—
Drag* ~. . Valeo • H 90
Goat hair 950
Gant/ bagi ... —4 * Ml 33.4?0 11,523
Hides and (bins 23.150 7*275 12,000
Mat and mat bags 203 1,205
Hatches - Ml 130
Eowir g machines 2J0
Articles sot specified ahora 2.920 11.775 12.216
Twla.1 b/ steamer* 10,75.3*9 13,6 «, 577 2il.10.3v5
B/ Bailing vessels—
Animals ;s 2,COO
Eica Tens 94 177 351 15,212 lOfzeJ> 93,253
■VYhc^t C\cU. 1.209 i?,2:o —1,150
Wheat flour 1CI 2.5:0 1,003
Other grains Yalta •M 7 jtyyy
Dry and salted Cwts. 46.C39 GO,522 32.813 US 2 S3 29 210 1.44.4G5
Saidiaea, dry • •• 14,238 967 69.274 4,0.0
Dotes, dry «•# Tooi 3,652 3,006 8.437 6,03,424 8,33 417 7,6?rS9S
Dates, wet • •• U-33 1.2S1 8,184 1,29,565 1,32,743 4.51,123
Spices ... Yalta 450 4,363 420
Pomegranate* Carta. 33 255 i/yyy
Dry limes 118 834 248 7.974 6.237 3,974
Prcoios* stone* and metal*—
Specs ... • M Yalta ••• • •• LO.56.837
Ghea •M Gal*. • M 888 612 12,100 3,150
Spirits and wine* ... »» C2 1.000
Korcsine oil Ht — 16.7CS 840 13,295 2,909 MW
Mats and mat bags *— Yale a •H 723 6,100 603
Porfaciory III m 404 IM 460 • ••
Piece go**d« par 1,000 yds. CO 26 6.0 6 63.230 39.600
Gost skins m* Y«la* •M HI 7,900 20,9> • 30,690