Page 352 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
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                would probably bo a complete failure and largely   The avorngo rate of monthly exchange between
                useless.                             the Maria Theresa dollar and the rupee varied
                                                     from Rs. 237 to Its. 23G-8 j>er 100 dollars, tho'
                  Tho poverty of the people and their depen­
                dence on the import of r.'cc by the merchant and   . lowest being in August 1919 and tho highest in
                tho sale of their dates also by him place the latter   September 1919.
                in a position of autocratic power. This position   The following gives the average rates ruling
                ho uses.                             in the local market in each month during the year
                 Thcro are no European traders, and with the   under report Its. 15 = £1.
                exception of the merchants of Sur there arc actu­      Rs.
                ally no Arab merchants of importance. All   April 1919   201 per 100 dollars,
                trado, that is, export and import trade, is in the   May 1919   239  ditto,
                hands of Indian banias and khojas, who are Bri­  Jane 1919   2 IS  ditto,
                tish subjects. Again, with the exception of at   July 1919   250  ditto,
                Sur there are few sailing vessels owned by Arab?,   August 1919   237  ditto.
                and at this latter port alone survives a remnant   September 1919   256-3   ditto.
                of tho once far famed Arab traders of Oman.
                                                         October 1919   262    ditto.
                  Oman is a perfect example, as were Genoa
                and Venice in former days, of the decay produced   November 1919   95-1-3-3   ditto.
                by a change of trade routes and methods of trans­  December 1919
                port. And this process of decay has not yet   January 19*20   25o-12   ditto.
                ceased. Tho opeuing up of Dubai on the Pirate   February 1920   243  ditto.
                coast as a steamer port has seriously affected   March 1920  239-3   ditto.
                Muscat through which it was formerly supplied,
                and has more than halved the trade o: Sohar which   Weights aud Measures.
                only a few years ago implied the whole Birami   The weights used in the Customs Depart­
                oases and Hinterland. Manchester piece goods   ment are now prescribed for use in Muscat,
                have killed the local industries, w:a'.tu has passed   Muttra aud the coast towns. They are
                almost entirely into alien hands, and it is prob­
                able that few people in the world have less cause   1 Kiyas =: the weight of 6 dollars or 5 9375 cz.
                to blesi the advance of European civilization than   24 Kiyas = 1 Mu«at mound.
                the Arabs of Oman.                       10 Maunds = 1 F-ans^Ia.
                                                        200 Mauods = 1 Bear.
                                                       Rice is sold by the lag; other cereals by the
                  The currency of tho country is the Maria !   following measures :—-
                Theresa dollar and the copper coin minted in
                1895 to the order of His Highness the Sultan.   40 Palis = 1 Farrah.
                In Muscat and Muttra sovereigns, Indian  cur-  20 Farraks = 1 XLazdi.
                rency notes and Indian rupees are generally ac­  The rupee which weighs one tola, and the
                                                      dollar, of which the weight is called “Aukia”,
                  The Maria Theresa dollar fluctuates in valus   are used for weighing drags 3nd perfumes. One
                considerably, being affected by the world price   aulda equals eight nuskals;—
                of silver and also by the local demand in. the
                date season, and by *tbe state of the Bahrein   Measorw (Linear %
                pearl market                            1 Sbibr = 1 band cf 4£ inebea.
                  Trade acoounts are kept in Mahomadis and   4 Sbibr = 1 Dhira or cabit.
                Gajh imaginary coins. There are two kinds of   4 Dhiru = 1 ba’ cr fathom.
                Mahomadis— black and white. Black 201 =
                Idoliar, and white 11} = 1 dollar. The white   Population and Country.
                is used in wholesale trade accounts and tho black
                for fruits, vegetables, etc. Most hand is from   The population of Muscat is probably not  more
                India show their face Talue in Mahomadi* and   then 2,000, but Muttra has increased consider­
                notin rupees.                         ably and may bo almost 20,000. The majority
                                                      of the booses in Muscat are empty or in rains,
                           20 Gajh=l Mahorcadi.       but building is brisk at Muttra. Sur Is an
                           11} Mahomadis = 1 dollar.   enterprising Bailing vessel port of about 12,000
                           100 Mabomadii =1 Toman.    inhabitants and what alone prevents a probable
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