Page 403 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 403
Principal Articles and Countries to which Exported con/c/-
Qox.vtity. Value.
Articles and Countries to which Exported.
1919-20. 192J-21. 1921-22. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22.
£ £ £
Drought forward 93,St l 113,194 103,694
FrnMs, other kinds— 9 13
Imiia . . Tkqs. 13 20 45 32
Petrs:* . • <J7 48
Arab Coast . 4 4
Pair.ii •nr.i Colours—
Dng'ia’s Blood — 14
loos . 3 8 5
Wars.* (Ochre)— 14
Peru* .
Prctiiur Slones and Metals— f
Pearl*— 400
ladi* Val. 60
lad:* . 3,347
Arab Coast . 99 08,734
Pert's Tons 4 135
Persia . Tins 400 1,323 234 200 3,037 593
India 335 782
Arab Coast . 12 100
Siatt-il-Arab *• 1,388 8S6
Halwai (Sweets) —
Ir.di.-a . Pkgiu 3 10
Persia . M 3
Arab Co*3t . Ft 4
Oilman’s Stores—
Persia . . 9 200
Sugar, soft—
Persua . Cwt 2 513 70 2 863 116
Persia . . Pkgs. 2 26 3 43
Wines xai Spirits—
Persia . Gals. 20 £6 27 129
India. . . Pkgs. 40 51
Textile fuArsis—Cotton Goods—
Muscat manufacture—
Africa * • • 1 24 19 960 1.0001
Europe manufacture—
Pcnia . , . 21 26 1,050 1,203
Carried orer 137,248 119.555 112,990