Page 441 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 441


                     Population.                        Freight and Shipping.
         The population of Muscat is about 2,000 and that   Steamers.—The usual statement showing shipped
       of Mat rah about 20,000. The majority of the houses figures ore attached to this report. 12G steam Hhipa
        •ji Muscat arc empty or arc in ruin-*. Sur in a wiling of all nationalities entered and cleared the port during
       vessel port with a population of about 12,000. The th e year representing a net tonnage of 239,548 and 43
       difficulty in obtaining water alone prevents tho saCling vessels with a tonnage of 6,398 ; of the 126
       increase of population there. The population of steam ships which entered the port 5 were from United
       Sohar has decreased to 5,000 and is mainly concerned Kingdom, 6 from United States of America and tho
       in the export of dates fruits and firewood.   res t from India.
         It ii quite impossible to or, the population ./^f   India Steam Navigation Company
         lbdr^Tb' aUi°rily “ th° r°PU:3ti0n ^“^'^rS^Ua^ranaleb
       axc sc                                 used to s rve the port weekly both ways were with-
                                              dra wn during the European war and have not: been
                                             resumed since.
                                               Freights.—The statement below gives the average
                 Natural Resources.          rates of freights.
        Minerals.—As far as is known there are no minerals   Dry dates to Tod is   •  £ «. could be profitably worked.        Tifit dates to India   .  . 1-10 per ton.
                                                                      . 10
                                                Dry fish to India .   . 0-18   H ft
                                                Fresh fruits to India   .  1-7
                                                Dry limes to Persian Gulf  2-14  ft rt
                    Public Health.                    C. G. CROSTITWAITE, Lieul-Colonel,
        The climate of Muscat b extremely unhealthy and         His Britannic Majesties
       tie heat is excessive. The highest temperature             (JoAS'il, Muscat.
       ltccrded in the year was 111-2° and the lowest 70-8'F.

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