Page 73 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 73
HI—Statement shewing total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that
U^c entered the Port of Maskat during the years 1907-1908 to 1909-1910.
Saili^o. SrzAw Total.
Rationality. Tear.
Vessels Tonnage. Yesacls. Tonnage. Tesaela- Tonnago.
1907-1003 122 11.700 231 355.4SS •403 367*188
1903 1909 127 12,990 213 299,621 375 312.521
( 1909-1910 78 5,273 241 292.95S 319 298*231
1907-190S IS 1,570 2 1.500 17 3,370
•s 1908-1909 16 1,790 1G 1,790
1909-1910 31 1.S60 31 1^60
1907-190S 14 24,003 14 21,003
l 1909-1910 10 1S,134 10 18,134
Geaffl 190S-1909 8 14,652 8 14,652
r 19.7-1908 113 10^:0 2 500 115 11,000
l'isbt . •*! 1903-1909 118 11,675 1 250 119 11,925
I 1909-1910 159 7.950 159 7,950
r 1907-1908 G7 3,565 67 3,665
Pciiaa 1908-1909 77 4,740 77 4,740
L 1909-1910 6 300 6 300
r 1907-1908 7 10,OS 8 7 10.0S8
Sudan -> 1908-1909 8 12^132 8 12432
L 1909-1910 8 10,4-44 8 10,444
r 1907-190S 42 54G0 42 5460
Terkah 1908-1909 45 64S0 45 6430
1909-1910 20 1.000 20 1,000
1907-1908 13 2^)30 13 2,050
Other conntiea . 1908-1909 12 JyS75 2 2478 14 <053
0 1909-1910 15 750 15 750
1907-1908 ;372 33445 306 891,579 673 426.824
Total •• 1908-1909 395 39460 267 323,833 663 367,995
1909-1910 309 17433 259 321.536 563 S38£69