Page 14 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 14
1 t
u 1945
Wednesday 17th January
Sunny day but cold & much water lying about so didnt ride. Office. Saw various people. Wakelin vet
angry at being ordered by me not to drive in car, altogether fed up. A stupid young man. Ali b Hussain w*1
a paper for a big loan from Mustapha Abdul Latif. M went to Hedd, through the mud. Busy morning
Gardened in afternoon. Edward H came to tea & Skinner & Anderson to dinner. The former looked v
well but rather gray. It was nice to see him again.
Police caught some men in a car with a set of Bapco tools, the car ran over some Police, then ran into a he
& smashed up. Hamood involved in the affair, they had been drinking first.
Thursday 18th January
g Very late at Fort, Orderly Room, dealt with 4 special Police involved in losing a rifle, they had all done
n four years so I discharged them, they had been in detention for 2 months, also imprisoned & dischar