Page 295 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 295





   ij                                                         1945

  !  rf      Had dinner with the Russell Browns, quite a large party, played Bridge, had some very good bridge, with

             Mrs Hudson as a partner against Smith & Mrs RB. Won 5/-, quite a lot at small points, didnt get home till
 I'          nearly 1 am - much too late. In the afternoon went to the school & painted then to Sanyan for a bathe. Very
 it  5$
             cool weather, slept inside without a fan.

             Thursday 19th September
  .1  i

 ; a         Fort, Sh Abdulla came in about the affair of his servants marriage, of course it is said that he will in fact be

  !          the bridegroom. HH gone to Wasmieh I fancy to escape the matter. Had the Khalid uncle for some time &
 J ST        HH's wife came down to see Narayan - a most unheard of move. Khalifah came in to say the man in the
             ammunition case is at Dhammam, on the mainland. He said Sh A very angry over the Cherawi case. Went
             to see Dick Snow to tell him Dr Doeg agreed to come back, it is good news. Also to see Grant about shifting
             our Indian investments - difficult to know what is best also D Smith.

             To Jidda in afternoon via Budeya, both launches out, Cochrane & Tunnicliffe gone to Hawar & the other
             probably round Salwa bay. Good day for sailing, took just an hour door to door.


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