Page 302 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 302
: B
Friday 27th September
Reached the pearling banks some time after sunrise, a lovely dawn, lots of little pink clouds on a pale blue
sky on on the horizon. Gray mauve bank of clouds with pink light bursting through where the sun was
coming up. Tried to do a sketch, difficult light. Arrived at a score of small dhows but went on for an hour or
so till we reached the main fleet, about 50 "firmans" - masts & really a fine sight, some moving along slowly
with their lines of oars splashing in the calm blue sea & the others stationary, the canvas deck covers
showing very white against a pale blue sky. Went on board a biggish boat & took some photos, stayed some
time on board, timed the divers & counted the shells, average diving nearer 2 minutes than 1 1/2 & shells
averaged from 4-15 per dive, each time they brought up a lot which were not oysters. The men looked very
fit & seemed extremely cheerful, laughing & singing. A buyer came on board & joined me.
Saturday 28th September
HH & Sh A as usual. Sold the old Hudson for a very good price & all the old cars in the Fort, including our
sales of old stuff we have come out about square. Saw Ali bin Ahmed & various people.