Page 314 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 314


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      Office. Saw various people, had a talk with Dick about the matron, the whole affair is very tiresome & puts
      us in a difficult position.                                                                                   : b

      Gardened & then went a short drive, Smith & Cochrane called.

      Dined with Dick Snow & went to Pygmalion, a perfectly delightful film, I had never seen it on screen or
      stage & laughed so much that I wept. Extremely good acting & very well put on & entirely English.

      Friday 25th October

      A really lazy day, got up late & worked all the morning in the garden. Hot in the sun. Drove to Budeya in
      the afternoon & dealt with a case among the mounted section & then had a look at the garden, which seemed
      to be flourishing. Burton of the Iran bank came to call when we got back.

      Wrote to James, the letter to go by some Arabs from S Arabia who are going up to Beirut.

      Saturday 26th October
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