Page 320 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 320
Monday 4th November
Went to Muharraq & called on Shs Mohd & Abdulla, found HH at the former's, vve sat outside in a yard
overlooking some rather squalid buildings, various Europeans came to call, then progressed to Sh A's house,
through the very narrow lanes followed by a fleet of large showy new American cars which had much
difficulty in turning. Stayed there some time after HH had left. Spent most of the rest of the day in the
garden where there is a lot of work to be done, drove over to Mozabeia & had a look at the brood mares, HH
now has about 70 horses in all, later the Leighs came to call, she having returned today. Quite hot working in
the garden. Flowers out now are mostly flowering shrubs but they make quite a bit of colour.
Thursday 7th November
To Jidda after lunch, lovely day. I went by sea, M came later from Budeya having been to tea with an ex
school teacher.