Page 363 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 363





 c.                                                          1945




   m        A good deal of rain on & off but gentle rain which did no harm to the garden. The garden is very backward

            this year, hardly any flowers out yet. In the morning official calls on the C in C, I drove to the Sitra pierhead
            to meet HH & we went out in his old launch - Awal being out of order, very tiresome. Shs M & A came too.
            HH seems to have left off dying his beard, it looks very scruffy. The Admiral was pleasant - very typical
            sailor. The Captain & the SNO hovered around. They returned the visit at the Palace. Office, saw various

  r         people. In the afternoon it rained steadily & the roads were in an appalling state when we drove out to a
            cocktail party on the ship - the usual affair but they had a band which played very loudly & not very well.
    5       The Flag Lieut was one Dalrymple-Hamilton a nice young man. Really very bored by the party. I do dislike

            standing round. The officers seemed a much better lot than the Norfolk.

    r       Thursday 27th February
  , •*

 U          Fort.
 lj a        Roads very muddy. Busy morning in the office. Russell Brown & Nichols came in & talked about a water

  h         supply to Rafaa & one or two other matters, saw Ahmed Omran & Sh Ibrahaim. Lunch at the Agency, rather
 I! 9       a bore meeting the same people over & over again, the naval people, Ranees and Nesmithe but not the
             residential party. They went shopping in the bazaar later. Did some gardening & went for a small a short
 I a        drive to the water garden. Dinner on the ship - this time in short coats, usual party, Hays, Galloways Pellys
             Jonny Brown & Nichols - RB was not well & didnt come. A very moderate dinner - not as good
                                                                                                              as ours

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