Page 66 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 66
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Tuesday 10th April
! Didnt go to Fort. Looked in office before breakfast. HH came in, in a cross mood. Talked Zubara, about
Persian rice & Salman b Mohd, again he went off the deep end about Hick & implied that Pelly must be
like him - which I think is most unlikely. He agreed very reluctantly to the sending of Sulman to
Palestine & decided not to buy Persian rice under the conditions offered, they asked us to guarantee any
financial loss which Eraq Maik might make, GP is advocating it partly - I really believe - to put business
rw: in the way of his bank, however HH didnt know about any bank transaction though as it is he believes GP
is mixed up with the Persian bank because he pushed it so hard. Saw Thornton & Pinfold about land for
the new exchange. Went to Arad in the afternoon, a terrific hail storm & then rain so that returning home
I drove most of the way through deep water - the aerodrome I imagine out of order. Found Dick Snow
playing, attired in my dressing gown having got soaked. He stayed some time. A wild night, gusts of
wind & heavy rain, thunder & lightening.
Wednesday 11th April
Roads all over water after yesterdays rain so didnt ride. Took Norman & a man from Time to call on HF°
at the Baladya, the newspaper man took a lot of photos of HH & myself & HH alone, 1 hope they put F
some of me. I shall be amused to see them. Busy morning in office. Luard, AlOC, & another man wh